The dream

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"Mommy look at that dress it will be nice to have don't you think it so pretty it has sparkles on it that look like stars!!!" I look up at her threw smaller eyes. looking up at my mother she was so pretty that day she was dressed in a blue dress that was more common then what she normally wore around the estate I smiled as she took my hand leading me to the children's section of the store we where in. " now honey where only here to get something new for you to where to impress your fathers work buddy's but with a girl as beautiful as you I'm sure they will be impressed in whatever we end up buying for you." My mother said I smiled as I looked around I didn't come out of the manner to often with my mother this was something we were probably only going to do once. I smiled as I looked around seeing all the people buying different clothes and busily running around. They where all so much taller then me making me look up all the time. My mother held my hand and spotted a dress that was light blue the bottom was poofie and the bosom trim was golden that matched the golden sash around the middle of the small dress it reminded me of a star princess dress I smiled . "Mommy I like that dress too!!!" I say excitedly pointing to it she looked down at me and smiled letting go of m hand to go talk to the store clerk I smiled and went to go sit down on a bench when suddenly I was laying on the floor and my arm hurt a lot I got up and started to rub my arm. I heard something groan behind me and I imdantly looked seeing a small boy around my age maybe a year older sitting up he had salmon hair and it made me smile. I've never seen anyone with that colored hair before . So I giggled at him he looked at me then glared before holding out his hand to help me up. I smiled at took his hand ."are you alright?" He asked I smiled and nodded looking at him a little shy at first but quickly got over it " I'm fine why are you in a hurry " I ask the pink haired boy with the white scaly scarf ." I'm here for my first job alone! I'm a wizard and I'm going to be the strongest wizard you've ever seen one day!" The boy says as he looks at me and smiles " anyways what's your name and sorry for knocking you over " he continued I just smiled " oh I'm sorry sir your a stranger but I guess it will be ok to tell you just this once my name is Lucy, Lucy heartfilia and my moms a wizard to I want to be just like her! " I smile as I see the boy look around then run off seeming to chase after something " it was nice to meet you bye Lugi!" He says and keeps running I puff out my cheek in anger for his saying my name wrong " my names Lucy!!!" I yell before my mom comes back over and takes my hand a bag in her hand I smile knowing that where going to get ice cream then head home.

I feel light his my eyelids and stretch slightly sitting up and take in my surroundings starting to freak out when I didn't recognize the place I was in as my room. I look at the bared windows and fall out of bed and onto the floor with a loud thud. I groan softly and sit up rubbing my arm before remembering where I was. Before I remembered I was a defenseless Slave that had no family. I take a deep breath in and I stand up stretching and looking around. My mom always told be to stay positive so I'm going to make the most out of this slave thing up until I figure out how to get my keys back to me then I'll make my escape! I think as I go to the closet to see a very small amount of clothing seems like there was a few skirts and shirts a pair of shorts and a pair pants then a few shirts I look and find a white skirt and a light tank top I took my ribbon that I always wit and said it with my other clothes as I got my underwear and things I stretch slightly thinking it wasn't so bad. I mean this nastu guy he did make sure I had everything I needed like all the nessisary things as in toothbrush toothpaste soap shampoo condition clothes. the only thing that really unsettled me was the lingurè I found in the closet I really hope that he doesn't want anything like that from me I will Lucy kick him if he try's anything. I sigh and strip out of my clothes getting a quick shower loving the feeling of the warm water roll down my body like warm rain falling from the heavens I blushed slightly as I got out and dried off my body I had a few bruises from when I was in that stupid slave traders place but it wasn't that bad I exam my body seeing the newest bruise I caused myself to get from falling out of the bed this morning and I sigh softly before drying my hair with the towel and then wrapping the white towel around my body and securing it at the top before sit on my bed for a moment taking in all that has happened during the last few days after getting my thoughts organized and calming myself down I stand up and let the towel fall before starting to put on my bra and panties slipping the both on before suddenly hearing the sound of a door opening my eyes widen as I see nastu staring at me with a tiny of pink on his cheeks. I feel my face go red from embracement and I start throw brushes and pillows anything that I could get my hands on and screaming. "GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT YOU PREVRT!!!!!!!!"" He caught the's the last thing I threw and looks at me a little pissed off I cluched the shirt I had in my have and used it to try and cover my stomach. He looks like he was about to scream something but closed his eyes and he relaxed when the pink haired man was completely relaxed he sat back and straightened up slightly " when your done getting dressed Lucy you can come down stairs and make us all breakfast oh and make some kind of fish for happy he will be happy with just that . He says then he clothes the door and I hear footsteps get quieter and quieter till I couldn't hear anything left I stood there frozen my face stayed red as a tomato after a few minutes the shock wore off but the embarrassment stayed I quickly put on the blue tank top and white skirt along with a brown belt and I brushed my teeth then my hair putting it up in its normal style half of my hair in a pony tail to the side with the rest of it down and I slowly opened the doors looking around slowly scarred to see nastu again after what just happened I calmed myself down and started walking around looking at the place as I walked. The place was really nice the whole house was made out of bricks I remeber him saying something about him being a dragonslayer but he never explained it at all so I wouldn't know what that ment I've never read about the so it must be some kind of ancient or lost magic but if that where true then how would be have learned it? I looked walked into a room to see nastu sitting in the chair looking bored. His pink spikey hair was as messy as ever and his onyx eyes looked so bored he wore red shirt with some jeans and that scaly scarf. I paused a moment before thinking back to the dream I had . Could this be the boy from me dream? No that can't even if it was I'm sure he wouldn't remember so it doesn't matter . I think then all the sudden nastu looks up seeing me . His eyes seemed to brighten as he looked at me " oh Luce do you need anything?" He asked I thought about it for a moment noting the fact that he gave me a nickname but decided not to care about it right now ." Um yes n-I mean master where is the kitchen?" I ask looking at him biting my lips softly he starred at me a moment before sighing slightly and standing up " you know Luce there's no need to call me master nastu is just fine and yes follow me I'll show you the kitchen " he says and stands up going down a hallway then taking a turn headed straight for a few minutes before taking another turn leading into a huge kitchen. " here you go later on I'll give you a tour of the place so you won't get lost also there's a magic barker around the place hat you can't get out of that way you can't escape. " he says and I felt my heart sink I nod quietly looking down he nods then leave the room leaving me in there alone I sighed thinking this was not the time to cry before pulling down a few pans and then I went to the fridge and pulled out some eggs and bacon along with a fish I cooked everything up and set everything out on the table putting everything neatly on the plates two plates with two eggs and three prices of bacon nastus also had some sausage on it and then some orange juice for us to and on a smaller plate I had a fried fish. Before I could even call that food was ready nastu ran in and started eating or shall I say scarfing the food down . Then I looked around befire seeing a blue cat walk in and sit at the table I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing anything ." Nastu why do you have a blue cat and why is he blue in the first place! " I says surprised the car smiles " I'm blue because I'm a cat and aye " the car says my eyes widen. I think I'm loosing my mind!!!!!

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