Chapter 23

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"Y/N, wake up." A feminine voice hollered while shaking my arm, I rolled over ignoring the person who was trying to wake me up. I then felt the shaking stop but my arm was pulled and....

I was on the floor looking up at my roommate who pushed me out of my bed and ruined my sleep!!


She held her hand in a defensive way while I just gave her one of my deadly glares.

"I'm sorry but you weren't waking up."
I got up and quickly sat back on my bed and looked out the hotel window across from my bed. It looked really early the sun was barely out while the sky was a lightish purple. Groaning I looked at the blonde who pulled me out of the bed earlier.

"Why did you wake me up SO early??" I asked this question with a angry/sleepy look on my face. She just smiled and grabbed her bag that was on the edge of my bed.

"We're going to go eat with all the guilds, at the hotel restaurant and master said everyone needs to come." Lucy said while waving her pointer finger like she was giving me a lecture.

"Oh.." I said while making an 'O' shape with my mouth. So I guess I have to get ready I wonder what chaos can happen at a restaurant.

~Time Skip~

"Yay!! We're gonna eat!" Natsu yelled happily while fist pumping the air. Me and the girls laughed at his childish behavior while Gray just rolled his eyes.

Yep we're all going to eat with the other guilds today plus it's the last day we're going to be at the beach.

"You all made it!" Sting exclaimed while running to us.

"Are we late?" I asked a little worried cause I was looking forward to the food.

"No, not at all your actually quite early." He said while wrapping his arm around me and Natsu and leading us to the tables where everyone was at.
I could see everyone was eating, drinking, or chatting.

"So! Can I get my food now!?" Natsu asked while jumping out of Stings grasp.

"Yeah." Sting said while Natsu immediately nodded and ran towards the food. Leaving me and Sting alone.

"Let's get some food too!" I grabbed Stings hand and happily lead him to the food.

There's so much food!! They all look scrumptious, I wonder what I should get first? Ooh! I know I'll grab (F/F). Yep that's good with me.

I grabbed a plate of (F/F) and my mouth was watery. The food looks really good!! I looked beside me expecting to see Sting beside me but he was not so I guess he went to grab his food. I walked happily to an empty table ready to devour my plate of (F/F).

I put my plate down and sat down. I grabbed my spoon/fork/knife and started to dig in.
The food is amazing!! It's like heaven in my mouth!! I happily ate the food with no interruptions until someone placed their plate across from me, drifting my attention away from my food to see Gray who was now sitting down across from me while eating his shaved ice. I want shave ice! Where did he even get it!? I guess he saw me staring that he asked me what was wrong.

"Nothing, just wondering where you got the shave ice." I say while averting my eye's towards his large bowl of shave ice. He grabbed a spoon full of the shaved ice and shoved it towards my face. I opened my mouth ready to taste the flavorful ice when...

An ice eagle hit it right out of Gray's hand making him drop the shaved ice. Why!? My shaved ice!

"Trying to make a move on my Y/N, Gray." Lyon said while putting a plate to the left of me which I guess is where he's going to sit.

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