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I slowly walked down stairs to go eat breakfast. It was Monday and I was not looking forward to going to school. It was a mostly human school and the few creatures there were treated like second class. I am a Neko and werewolf hybrid. I could shift but in my human form I still had the tail and ears. I hated them and because of my Neko half from my mom's side, I didn't shift into a wolf, but a fox. I was pulled out of my thoughts once I ran out of food on my plate. I sighed and went over to the living room to grab my stuff before I left. I put on my black beanie to hide my black ears. Pushing my amber hair out of my face, I then zip up my black hoodie. It has a small purple broken heart on it right where my heart is. Im wearing purple jean short shorts with black tights underneath and black converse. I didn't even bother to hide my fluffy maroon tail. I grab my backpack and start walking to school. My school is about a mile away from the pack house. Yeah, I live in the pack house because my dad is the Beta so he has lots of pack duties he has to take care of. Though because I am a Neko, I don't get treated as kindly since the pack is very pure blood oriented. I was flicked on my shoulder, bringing me out of my thoughts, yet again. "There you are, Emma" the familiar voice said. I turn my head to see my best friend "You left without me again" he said. I mindlinked him "I'm sorry, Jake" and he pouted "I miss your voice, Em". I playfully glared at him, he knows why I stopped talking and I'm not going to start any time soon. Though I am glad that he promised that when he's alpha I won't be treated as badly. I hit him with my tail and started running and laughing. He followed behind me, laughing as well. Since he was the soon-to-be alpha of our pack he was fast enough to keep up with me. I've always been faster but he was definitely a lot stronger. When we get to our school I hit the wall and smirk, showing that I won. He stuck his tongue out at me and we laughed. That was till we were actually inside. We stood there, frozen at the front of our school. It was the first day of our junior year. Jake grabbed my hand and lightly squeezed it "it's going to be ok" he whispered to me. I felt the heat rising to my cheeks as I nodded. He let go and we walked down the hall together. We had every class together except I had art where he had P.E. and I was very happy about that. Jake always tried to protect me when something would happen. As we neared the door to our first class, physics, I saw a human girl standing in the way. "Can you let us in?" Jake asked and she laughed. "Of course not! No beasts allowed" the girl spat. I looked over to see Jake with gold around the edge of his pupils. He was going to shift if I didn't do something.

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