Chapter 2: Recalling And Remembering

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"Hey Tiff! I see you have a couple of hickeys... all over," Jasmine said as we walked to the Cafeteria. "Yeah don't remind me about it." I sound so... so old! "So, how was last night? Did you have fun... I mean....obviously..... but not the body party... my party?" I had to put all my words together. "It was fun. Until something happened with Tony..."
"Don't tell me you guys hooked up?"
No response from me. She obviously knows the answer...
"Tiffany! OMG! You had sex with the number one jawn of this whole school, the most popular guy, the-
" Oh my god! Yes Jasmine! I had sex with Tony... the most popular guy in school!" I was really stressed out and I didn't want to sound too excited about the event. " I can't believe it!" Of course you can't because you are Paris Hilton in everyone's eyes and I'm just the loser to everyone!
"Well I'm suprised! But you're cute and I'm proud of you! Just be careful though... you do know that...ummm..."
"Yes I know... I can get pregnant. I just have to talk to Tony about the situation. I don't think he remembers last night."
"You better get going hot stuff. Cause he's coming this way!"
I panicked in disbelief. "Oh gosh! Do I look ok?"
"Does everything look ok with my face, clothes ,and-"
Jasmine cuts me off, "Jeez Tiff! You look fine! Hurry! Go talk to him and figure out what he's gonna say , ok?"
"Ok... Wish me luck!!"
"I give you all my wishes sis!"
"Hey, Tiffany?" My heart skips a beat as I turn around and gain conciousnous again. There he is. I'm talking to him again.
"Hey! So... can I talk to you about something, like, privately?" My words went so smoothly! That's the first! "Sure! Let's go get some pizza and we can talk over lunch!"
"Sounds good! Come on!" As we walk to the pizza shop, we talk about life and school.....until...." How was the party at Jasmine's last night?" I stuttered. H-ho-how does he still remember the party last night? Does he remember we hooked up? I thought. "That is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about..... Tony..."
Yes? Is everything ok?"
"Ummm..... We....uh.... hooked up last night... Don't you feel weird?" I know I feel weird! This is really awkward! "OH SHIT! That's why I had a kick ass headache earlier, and I was almost late. Also for some reason I had a boner...... Maybe too much information for you...."
"Uh... How do you feel about that? That we had sex and we are almost like bestfriends.... doesn't it seem wrong to you?"
" I mean... it's not our fault....we were drunk and we should've never been near each other half of the time...."
"What do you mean?"
"Isn't it clear Tiffany? I like you!!! Like really like you!"

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