Chapter 4: The Aftermath Of A Broken Heart

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"Jasmine I can't believe that he called me that! I mean I always thought that he was so nice and sweet but he won't even see that I was trying to apologize for exploding out at him like that!" I swear I was crying my eyes out so bad that they looked like I had pink eye.
" I already told you Tiff, a million times, just do what he said to do. Talk to him tomorrow. Plus it doesn't even seem like he's that mad anymore and that he kinda got over it. So just calm down, BREATHE and think about what you're going to tell him tomorrow. If you need me, I'll be right behind you and I promise you that I won't go away. Okay?"
She was right. I should just wait and calm down. I was a little too hyper earlier but I'm a little tired so I'll just go to bed and see what happens tomorrow.
"Goodnight Tiffany, I love you!"
"Goodnight Jasmine, I love you too!"

It's the next day and I have to talk to Tony now. "Tony.. We have our next class together... Can we talk then?"
" Okay. But you have to explain why you were so mad at me even though I didn't even harm you. So you have a lot of explaining to do Tiff."
" I know. See you in class. Bye."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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