Black Magic

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A/N: I don't know how you guys will really find with this plot, it's supernatural and yeah. I'm currently working on Part 2, Her brother but I have writer's block for my ending. Fingers crosses that it should be published soon. Also my break is over! :( so I'm back to school. I won't be able to post much, please remember that. Thank you. (Also the song doesn't fit with the story I just felt like putting it there)

*Contains swear words

'He'll never except you for who you are y/n! Stop being so irrational!' Your mother shouted at you when she found out that you were out with Joe again.

'But mum, he's different from the others! I know it.' You insisted, 'I love him and he loves me.'

'Just don't come back to me crying for help.' Your mum waved her hands and sighed. With a pop, she was gone. You sobbed now that you were alone. What if your mum was right? What if Joe was just like your other exes?

You brought your knees up to your chest and cried to yourself. Why couldn't you be like everyone else, be normal?  You threw a cushion onto the floor as you grunted in frustration. Why did you, y/n l/n have to be a witch?  All you ever wanted was to lead a normal life - make amazing friends, fall in love with a guy that would love you to death, get married, work (for fun not for money as you can just make money appear from thin air) and perhaps have children. You wanted a happy  life.

'My mum is so annoying, she just doesn't understand.' You complained and sent the voice message to y/b/f. (your best friend) She's the only one that knows about your true identity.

You sighed and threw your phone onto the couch. You glanced at it and saw that the screen was on Joe's contact. Huh?  You picked your phone back and to your horror you realised that you accidently sent the message to Joe not y/b/f. Oh fuck, you mentally groaned.

You told Joe that your mum lived very far away and the two of you don't communicate much as you aren't on very good terms. Which was true, depending on the way you take it.

Your phone lit up and buzzed, Joe was calling you. Should I answer and dig myself into a deeper hole or make him suspicious by avoiding him?  You contemplated. Well it's not like I can avoid him forever...

Your hands shook and they reached for your phone.

'Hey Joe.' You said quietly.

'Are you okay y/n? What happened with your mother?' He said worriedly.

'Um, that voice message was for y/b/f.' You chuckled nervously.

'Did something happen y/n? Are you hiding something from me?' He urged, his voice slightly increasing.

'No, I'm fine Joe.' You said.

'I'm coming over right now.' Joe announced before hanging up.

In a matter of minutes, the doorbell rang. It sent chills around the house. You trotted to the door nervously and slowly opened the door, to see an anxious Joe waiting.

He rushed into the apartment and sat down on the couch. He gestured for you to sit as well.

'Tell me everything y/n.' He said calmly, but there is a hint of demand in his voice.

'Joe, like I said before, there's nothing wrong. I'm totally fine.' You pressed.

'Look me in the eyes y/n, I'm going to ask you again. What's wrong? And what is this about your mother?' He said, staring into your e/c orbs, squinting slightly. You twitched slightly and your hands became slightly sweaty, which is what often happens when you were nervous.

'I've know you for over 5 years, so I know when you are lying.' He sighed. Oh shit, you thought. Your mind was working like clogs as you thought about your response to Joe.

'Well, I haven't been exactly honest with you Joe. I'm sorry!' You admitted quietly while avoiding Joe's eyes. Joe stayed silent, waiting for you to go on, but you could tell from his clenched fists that he was annoyed.

'Joe... I love you. But please forgive me for not telling you this. I'm... not exactly, well, human.' You whispered, moving closer to Joe.

'Stop joking around y/n, please. This is a serious matter.' He said.

'You think I'm lying?!' You gasped.

'Come on, don't be ridiculous y/n, of course you are human.' He countered.

'Joe! What I meant is that I have abilities that humans can't achieve.' You explained. He arched his brow, he didn't want to seem gullible but nor did he was to fall under such a joke. You muttered an incantation under your breath. Soon, the table across from the two of you began to float, it followed your finger.

Joe's eyes widened as he saw what was happening. 'This isn't a prank is it?' He laughed shakily, then looked at his surroundings to find any 'hidden' camera. When he realised that it was all real, he was extremely shocked.

'I understand if you want to leave me Joe.' You whispered, tears starting to form in your eyes.

'I would never leave you.' He stated firmly. 'Because I love you too much to do that.' Your eyes lit up at his words, a wide smile formed on your lips.

'Really? Do you mean that? You don't care that I'm what I am?' You asked.

'Whatever you are y/n, I will still love you. It's because I love you truly for who you are.' He smiled and pointed at your heart. You giggled at his words, that was what made you swoon for him in the first place.

'I love you too Sugg.' You grinned and pressed a kiss to his lips.

'Now tell me about those 'abilities' you have.' He purred in your ear.

Hey guys, how did you find this chapter? If you leave a comment or vote it would mean a lot! Thanks!

Love, Slytherinphan.

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