Well, this is fun...

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(Lian's POV)

"Alright...and begin!!"

The proctor leapt back and me and Poe crouched into a defensive position, ready to fight!!!

"Oh it's on, like Donkey Kong!" Poe said with swag!

"I loved that game." I smiled, remember playing in the arcade!

"Yeah, me too..." Poe smiled also.

The two of us snapped out of our trance and leapt back from each other. I brought my hand guns out in front of me and held them in front of me with my finger over the trigger.

Poe held a kunai knife in each hand and smirked. "Go on then, shoot!"

"Gladly." I smirked and fired.

The thing is, these bullets I'm using now are not normal bullets, they are filled with chakra so can cut through almost anything at an alarming speed.

I loved them!

Poe didn't seem to know the difference, just thinking they were going faster than normal so tried using his kunai knifes to deflect them, but, like I said, these bullets could go through almost anything.

One of the things being metal.

I didn't aim for vital organs, I don't really want to kill him...

So the bullet only caught his shoulder and knocked him back.

He stared at the hole in his kunai knifes and multiply gasps from the audience were heard.

Poe stood up and sighed and turned to me and suddenly did extremely fast handsigns and slammed his hands onto the ground.

"Music from Hell!!" he yelled and my eyes widened, remembering what happened to Nat in the preliminary round.

...wait, nothings happening...

I blink then suddenly hear the music....

"OH DEAR LORD NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" I scream.

"So we danced all night to the best song ever!"

"AHHHHH YOU MONSTER!!!!!!" I screamed pointing at Poe who was smirking. "WHY?!?!? WHY?!?!?!?!?"

Poe began to throw kunai knifes at me but me being the....being me, I dodged without meaning to.

....basically I was just running all around the place not giving a hell to what was going on about me.....


"STEVE!!!!!!!" I yelled and turned around with my machine gun and fired at the duck who dodged and the bullets hit Poe instead.

Blinking I waved the duck off in thanks for helping me.

"Good bye, Steve!!!!" I anime cried while people watching sweatdropped.

I looked down at Poe, seeing him look like one of them knocked out Pokémon...

"....oops..." I blink then hear the cheers of the crowd.

I turn to them and wave.

"The winner of the match is Lian Titen!!" the proctor claimed while Poe was taken away.

"Baby baby baby oh!!!!"

"YOU COULD ATLEAST BE DECENT ENOUGH TO CUT THE TRACKS!!!!" I yelled at Poe with an anime vein.

He smirked and just shook his head and that was when the music that I could only hear was cut off.

"Horrible One Direction....Bieber shit......" I mumbled and was knocked to the floor by a blonde.

I'm Messed Up and Proud! [A Special Naruto FanFic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now