Day Dreamin'

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  Daydreaming// Ariana Grande

SLAM stands for 'Sit and Listen to Ameature Musicians'. I believe this name is so dumb.

  Now, there is a couple of reasons why I think this name is stupid and unfit. One , its not many chairs to sit  and we're dancing the whole time to the music, you can't sit and dance. Well maybe you can, but most people that come there don't. Two, its not just musicians performing. Its poets, dancers, comedians, etc.

  If it was just musicians, I'm sure, I wouldn't have met half of my closest friends. A tragic story story it would have been.

I met all 6 of my friends here. Different days ,different months. And I wouldn't have met them without SLAM. Its like a second home to us. We hang out, chill, and just live in the moment before its gone.


Ariana and I have this thing where we eat at our favorite place, Urth Café, every Friday afternoon. As I got ready for us to go, Ariana walked in my bedroom to borrow some of my perfume. She wore her usual style. Big pink bow, floral crop top, skater skirt and nude pumps. She looked perfect.

"Are you ready to go?", Ariana asked.

"Not just yet", I called out from my bathroom.

I was almost done. I placed my silver studs in my ears and took a look in the mirror. I looked damn good ;). I wore a black odd future crop top, a dark blue beanie, light washed high waist shorts, and dark blue vans. I like to stay more on the casual side. I decided to leave my naturally curly hair out since it would be in the beanie.

"All done", I said stepping out into the living room of our apartment.


We got off the bus and went in. We ordered our usual meals and sat at a comfy table outside of the café and began small talk. Then Ariana's iPhone flashed, I knew who it was, they talked allll dayyy longgg.

"It's Jai!," Ariana said glowing. "He said to turn around".

I looked up and there he was, Jai Brooks. Ariana's handsome and friendly Australian boyfriend. I remember the first time I met him. It was 2 years ago when we both attended one of Ariana's poetry club performances. We sat in the crowd as she performed and he kept telling me how beautiful she was. I knew from then that they would be the perfect couple. So that night I took him back stage and introduced them. They instantly hit it off. They exchanged numbers and spoke for a while until a month later making it official.

As Ariana got up and greeted Jai with hugs and kisses I silently congratulate myself for putting them together. Giving myself a little pat on the back.

"Hey Em how have you been?", Jai asked pulling me into a big hug.

"I've been hanging in there, kangaroo boy".

"Well that's nice. I know someone else who would love to hear you call him that too."

Ariana and Jai exchanged smirking glances I was completely aware of their bullshit. I tried to fix an upset face.

"Aw c'mon you know you want him," Ariana cooed. They were talking about Luke, Jai's handsome, funny and bad ass twin brother. Jai and Ari always tell me about how they want to put him and I together since I got them together. But I don't know. Secretly I think I do want to give him a shot.

"Welp, Luke and I are having a little get together with everyone else at our place. I know Ari's coming, Em are you down?"

"Of course I am. Wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Alright then hop in guys we've got some grocery shopping to do", Jai said unlocking the car doors on his red convertible. As I hopped in I got the feeling that they thought I was amped for the party because of Luke. I was but I had other people on my mind that I wanted to see.


We pulled into the drive way of Luke and Jai's place. Ariana and I got out of the car and rung the doorbell while Jai carried all the bags. He almost fell walking up the steps approaching the front door. By the time he reached the top step Luke opened the door and let us in. He looked breathe taking. He wore a loose blue muscle tank, black skinny jeans, and run down black vans. And I noticed he dyed the front of his hair blue. typical bad ass. I stood in the door mesmerized by his gracious face until his voice snapped me back into reality.

"Hey Em!," Luke said arms wide open.

"Hey Luke!" I said fully embracing him.

After we finished unpacking the groceries we all decided to sit in the living room and reminisce about old times.

"Remember the time Em introduced you to me babe?" Ariana asked her boyfriend.

"Yea it was at SLAM. You love performing there.", he replied."Luke was there too, you remember Luke?"

"Yea it was a fun day, that was the day I met Em. Oh and Lou too" Luke giggled, eyeing me.



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Day Dreamin'~Ariana Grande

* Stay Beautiful

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