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Surprise, Suprise// Bruce Springsteen

As we pull up to the party I can hear 'Talk Dirty to Me' by Jason Duerulo blasting out the speakers in the twins house.

Been around the world, don't speak the language.

But your booty don't need explaining.

All I really need to understand is

Will you talk dirty to me?

Ari parks a few houses from the twins', then we get out of the car. Ari fixing her skirt and me pulling down my dress a little.

"You ready to party?" Ari ask fist pumping as we walk down to the house.

"Hell yeah! I don't even think I'm really gonna care tonight." I say laughing.

I know that sounds a bit careless but to be honest I didn't really care. I know Ari  didn't really drink so she would be able to drive us home so fuck it LOL.  I'm going to have as much fun as I can or should I say as Luke allows. He's not even my boyfriend but still acts like it and it really gets on my nerves sometimes.  He is really protective. I mean he can be really fun at first and then its just like " Yes father" "No father" "I will father" "I won't father."

We walk up and just twist the knob. It's unlocked already. There is a lot, well a good amount of people here. There's so many sweaty bodies and red cups moving everywhere. Me and Ari make our way over through the crowd till we see  Luke and Jai. Ari and Jai immediately run up to each other greeting with hugs and kisses as if they haven't seen each other 3 hours before.

"Hey Em!" Jai yells, one arm hung over Ari's shoulder.

"Hey Kangaroo boy!" I yelled back.

I then go up to Luke he gives me a warming hug and immediately hands me a cup of some kind of alcohol. See I told you fun at first.

I didn't even give a fuck what it was. I just chugged it down. Luke looked surprise when I did that and then yelled "You look really nice." over the music. "I really really like that dress." He yells, this time giving me a grin and winking.

I laugh and nod my head. "Thanks, I guess."

I began to look around and observe the party. There were many girls, a little bit more than guys. It makes sense as to why a bunch of girls were crowded around one guy. There just weren't enough. There were girls with tiny clothes on holding red cups and dancing on the guys, who were really enjoying it. Some even smoking which is so disgusting.  I see guys hugging on girls in corners and making out with them. There's a few drunks, I'll probably be one of them by the end of the night.

I scan the area again to see if there is any familiar faces. There's a few. I see Lou making out with this girl. I see a couple of my friends, I see my associates, I see some people I dislike too, which is not many. There is just a few people I don't know.  There's some good music playing and every bodies dancing so I decide to join.

As I was dancing I see Maz making his way over to where Luke and I were. Now, Maz is from the UK. Came to LA when he was 18. He's very cute and talented. I actually had a little crush when I first met him. He had lip piercings, high hair, and this little cute white spot on his chin and did I mention he's a dancer and is really amazing. He dances at SLAM sometimes and that's how I met him.

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