Plan Make her remember

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"My name is (y/n), that's all I know. I can't remember anything else," I said confused. "Well as I said before, my name is Dan, and I'm your Roomate," he smiled. Something about his smile made my heart race. "Roomate?" I asked. "Yeah, it's me, you, and our best friend Phil," said Dan. "Oh," I said.

After another wave of awkward silence, the nurse walked in. "Ms. (L/n), you seem to be perfectly fine. According to the tests you passed out from dehydration. Just take it easy, drink plenty of liquids, and you're free to go," she smiled, but before she left the room Dan signed the papers. Dan left the room so (Y/N) could change clothes. Then they walked out.

"So can I ask why I'm a girl with two male Roomate?" She asked confused. "Oh that's easy, well before you lost your memory I never asked you where you lived. You never gave me a straight answer. I tried my best but know one in London knew who you were. The Doctors wanted to contact your parents. Even with your picture on the news... There was nothing," he said. "That's weird. So if I'm such a mystery then why do I live with you," she asked.

(Y/N) Pov)

"Well actually (y/n), we're dating," smiled Dan. "DATING!?" I freaked out. I knew this man for 2ish hours and now we're dating!! "Yeah. We just started actually a little before your memory loss," he explained. "Oh ok," I mumbled. This is a lot to take in. Not that I don't believe him but who would! Waking up, not knowing who you were then find out your dating someone who is obviously out of your league.

This is so confusing. Just thinking about it makes my head hurt. "(Y/N)," I snap out my thought and were were at his flat. He was holding the door open and I lead myself in, and headed up the stairs. "Phil will be glad your alright," Dan smiled. "Who's he again?" I asked. "Oh he's our best friend," smiled Dan. "Um ok," I said as we reached the door.

Dan opened it and they stepped inside. "Dan is she home today?" We heard him call from the kitchen. "Yea," chuckled Dan and Phil ran into the room. "(Y/N)!!!" He chipped as he hugged you. You squirmed out of his grasp. "Um I just met you, can we take it slow," I mumble and he smiled. "Sure my bad," he responds.

"Phil she doesn't recall anything. Not even me," sighed Dan. "Oh I'm sorry (y/n) I just got to excited," smiled Phil meekly. "So how about we refresh your memory with some famous Dan and Phil Pancakes!" Cheered Dan. "Sounds good," I smile. We walk towards the kitchen but I stop. I don't know why but my back feels so light. Like I use to have something attached to it... Maybe I'm just hallucinating.

I pasted by a mirror and saw myself, but for a split second I could have sworn I had wings. Wow this head injury must have hurt me worse than I thought. I sat down on the breakfast barstool and are some pancakes. "They're good," I smile and they seem thrilled.

We played some games then Dan took me to my room. "This is your's," he smiled and he swung the door open and lead me inside. It was a plain room. He said it was mine but I don't remember living here. Looks like a plain spare bedroom to me. "Thanks," I reply. "Try to get some sleep. I have a big day planned for you tomorrow on getting your memories back," he smiled. "Ok," I said nervously and he walked out closing the door behind him. I sighed and crawled into bed. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

(Dan's Pov)

I walked back to Phil who was sitting on the couch on his computer. "So are you gunna tell her everything," asked Phil. "What do you mean," I asked. "Like how you guys aren't officially dating, you haven't even kissed her, or maybe that she was a FREAKING FAIRY," sassed Phil. "Shhhh she could hear you," I snapped. "Dan your playing with fire," said Phil sadly. "It's not my fault we couldn't figure out where she was living and it's not like Venus gave me a fucking manual!," I grunted. "True but you have to tell her eventually," said Phil. "I know but we were so close and to think I have to start over make my stomach sick," I sighed.

"Well I wish ya luck mate, but don't force her too much. Remember she just woke up today," smiled Phil hopefully. "Alright. I'll tell her tomorrow. God I'm insane! This whole thing is insane! Why couldn't she be a normal girl," I sigh. "Haha don't be like that. She's still (y/n) and you still love her," Phil smiled. "Yeah," I smile back.

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