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"So what are you going to do," asked Phil. "I'm going to take her to the only place that I know was her favorite," smiled Dan. "Now?" Asked Phil. "Yep, it's only 7," he smiled. "Ok if your sure,"  Phil said hopefully.  Dan ran and knocked on her door  he heard her grown before she opened the door. "What," she asked. "Get your coat I have somewhere to take you," he smiled, giving her a hug but she tensed up so he let go. "Um ok," she said and they went to hail a cab.

(Y/N) Pov)

We got out of the taxi. We were at the pier. It was beautiful, the sun was setting. "On our first date I took you here," smiled Dan. "Why that's weird and smells funny," I chuckled. "You said It was your favorite place," He sighed. I stopped laughing, he was serious? I looked out into the water. "So why here," I asked. "You said it was good for thinking. Thought it would have triggered something," he said gazing out at the water. "I see," I mumbled. After a while of silence he put his hand on my shoulder. "Come on, Let's call it a night," he smiled and I nodded.

We caught a cab home and I went straight for my room. I had a lot on my mind. I don't remember anything, the more he tries.... The more it hurts. I feel like his feeling are for who I use to be... And not who I am now. I laid down and cracked open a book. I guess I'll just see what happens tomorrow.

(Dan's Pov)

"So how did it go," asked Phil who paused Netflix. "Not good," I sighed. "So she's still confused, and I don't know how much more my heart can take! I can't kiss her with out her freaking out, I can hug her with out her being tense, let alone hold her hand, and worst part is that I don't think she has feelings for me anymore," My voice hitched and I could feel the tears trying to escape my eyes. "I'm sure everything will fall into place soon," smiled Phil as he gently held his friend.

Soon? When's that? Like tomorrow, next week, next year? Soon isn't good enough. Maybe if I just repeat everything I did to make her fall in love with me! "PhilI have an idea?" I smiled. "Hu?" Said Phil worried. "I'll just repeat everything I did like the clothes I was wearing take it to the same places," I responded. "I don't know Dan what if she doesn't act the same," asked Phil. "I'm sure it'll work," said Dan as he ran to his room to get everything ready.

(Normal Pov)

Dan got the clothes he wore on their trip to the aquarium, and made sure he was ready. The next morning he showered and fixed his hobit hair. (Y/N) on the other hand just got up. She got up and walked into the bathroom. "Hey (y/n) get dressed I have a surprise for you," he smiled at her in the hallway. "Hu? What for," she asked confused. "Taking you on a trip," he said. She nodded and got ready.

(Y/N) Pov)

We arrived at the aquarium. "On this date we came her and you loved it," Dan said as he held my hand before we got inside. Maybe it was so we wouldn't get lost, it was really crowded, or maybe his hand was cold. "Hu ok," I said nervously. The place was incredible. Fish of all different colors and shapes. All the little kids screaming "NEMO," at the clownfish tanks. We were there for almost 3ish hours. "Well Dan this was fun," I smiled letting go of his hand when we got outside.

"Wait. Let's go to the ice rink, Please," Dan with a hopeful look. "I'm not sure, I'm kinda tired," I sighed. "Please I have something to tell you," He pleaded. "Sure Dan," I smiled trying to be polite. Why is he acting so weird. It's like déjà vu.

We went to the ice rink and everything was pretty normal. We skated, laughed, and even fell a couple times. Some on his falls looked on purpose and I got worried. He even kept spacing out, and would look at me, but then would blush and look away. "Dan you got something on your mind?" I asked concerned. "No it's just on this date I chickened out to say something. Well anyway I just want you to get a hot chocolate with me," he smiled. "Sure?" I replied. He's acting weird. Something tells me he's done this before. We got the hot chocolate and we sat on a bench.

"Maybe next time we can go explore London like how on one date we-" "Stop! Stop talking from the past!!," I snapped. I had it! It started to get on my nerves. Like he was trying so hard to change me, like this version wasn't good enough! "On this date we did this, on that date we did that! I'm not this fantasy girl you use to know! Stop it. I'm not that girl anymore!" I yelled. He froze then sighed. "You're right to be angry. I just couldn't tell you the truth..." He said sadly.

"The truth?" I asked. "How we aren't really dating," he whispered. "WHAT!!!!" I yelled. "I know! I know! To be fair we both said we loved each other. I guess I jumped the gun. But that's not the truth I was talking about," he sighed. My heart sank. "There's more," I asked. "Well I don't think you would ever believe me," he replied. "Try me," I sighed. "Well you were trying to set me up with a girl to love because you were a love fairy thing, and then when you didn't do your job. Venus came down and she said that you were going to be demoted. We said we love each other and then you became human," he said quickly. "He's finally lost it," I thought as I just stared at him. We sat there for 5 minuets before I spoke up.

"Fairies?," I said confused. "Yeah you were a "love fairy" thingy," Dan replied. "So let me get this straight. I was a love fairy thing, wings and all, then I wasn't because we loved each other," I sassed. "Yes," said Dan. "You do realize you sound insane," I chuckled. "Maybe, but hey it was worth a shot," he shrugged.

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