Don't get too bored

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Don't normally do this, So please tell me if you like it or if it's complete rubbish.

Chapter 1 My purple fluffy armadillo.

This is my first ever book... no...I lied this is my second ever book the first one was very short it started 'This is my first ever book'. by then I was bored and stopped writing. People always ask me the stupidest of things and then they expect me to give them a serious answer. Someone once told me i was looking tired and asked me if my pillow was comfortable i turned round and told them that i have a purple fluffy armadillo for a pillow and they tried to report me for inappropriate language and i only thought that happened for swear words and being disrespectful. Just for the hell of it i called my purple fluffy armadillo for my pillow Geronimo. why Geronimo so i can stand at my back door calling Geronimo. my next door neighbours would think I'm doing something completely stupid like creating padding out of bread and hiding it in my clothes with my bike helmet on so when i sit on a tray and go down the stairs what ever i hit i wont get hurt and the object would shatter.

 Chapter 2 my imaginary lettuce warriors.

Ah we have come to the part about my lettuce warriors they defend my fortress (my room) from the evil pineapple queen (my sister) Oh I'm an egg. I must state i only do this when I'm bored which happens a lot. I hear you ask me why an egg, an egg because i love doing sport but every time i fall i break. i don't mean i have a breakdown, more of a crack i broke my arm and been on crunches for the last 4 months basically I'm in and out of hospital a lot. OK the pineapple she calls them vial, disgusting putrid is it me or do they all describe each other. oh my lettuce the lettuce because i hate it but there are plenty in the world that are left to rot so why not leave them to defend and fire leaves at the enemy.

really random sorry if too boring. Just keep reading.

Chapter 3 crutches vs wheelchair. 

This may just sound like a rant really sorry if it is too you.

crutches great for propelling yourself a long way lets just say if it was a long jump contest you would win every time but you would end up on your butt ever time. in a week I try a favourite t'shirt on doesn't fit anymore the muscles are to big but do they hurt every night. crutches are great most the time there are two time i can think of when they are not so great;

1. wet ground, mainly when it rains not great when living in England. You slip and slide on the wet ground then put the crutches down on a flooring other than carpet once coming in from the rain and whoosh your feet take off your crutches try to go to the moon you travel about 5 to 10 metres and of course land on your ass. you never ever get use to it i once did it in a crowded corridor landed on my ass and i was at the front of a Que took down the whole of the corridor in one move. the bad thing was everyone else was fine me however i had the biggest bruise on my bum i could not sit down for day.

2. long distant walking in my case shuffling i think shuffling is the best way to describe it. a mix of swinging and lifting with a hint of quick step. 

Chapter 4 - The Lonely Island

The Lonely Island is home to cookie eating dragons, these dragons help each other out when they have hick ups or need to fart they fly into each other causing a collision so the pressure forces out the hick ups or fart. However this can cause some more problems as it they sometimes crash it the sea below and when they come in contact with water the have constipation and a cold.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2013 ⏰

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