"Your words cut deeper than a knife"

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First of all sorry for not updating for soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long.Lack of motivation I guess but I want to dedicate this chapter to the first ever person who commented and motivated me to update.Thanks a lot _SmokeAndFire_ Now enjoy the new chapter


"Woah...why are you being so hyper for a little thing like that Mia?Chill."

By now I had successfully dragged him in my room,still pissed off at him of course.

HE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME?I'M BEING HYPER RIGHT NOW?  Okay maybe but it's totally justified.

"Trust me Mendes if you had been in my shoes,you would have acted exactly the same way,don't you think,huh?"

"But you see the difference and the luck I have,I'm not in your position."He replied with a smirk plastered on his face.

He got that annoying ability to get on my nerves.Just forget about that douche now,Mia,you've got a work to do.Just subtract his irritation and get to work.Quicker you start,quicker you end,right?

"Helllllllooooo Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaa,you're still here???????????????"Shawn waving his hand in front of my face brought me out of my thought."So,what were you thinking about?How did you do to resist my charm for so long?"

"Exactly!I don't understand how could I stand not throwing up when I see your frog charm."

"Kiss me and I may turn into a prince."He replied with that annoying smirk of his again.

"Oh please,I prefer to kiss a real frog rather than kissing you."

"As you wish princess,it's not like I'm being restless about kissing you either."

What?I think that he got a serious mental problem that kid.

"Daydreamer,let's get to work."

"Fine,so what's the idea?"

"I don't know,but it's an art project right?And the teacher told us to do anything creative and which let out our emotions,so we could create something original."

"Like a poem or something..."

"Yeah but I thought more of a song."

"Do you think we'll be able to write a song in one week end?"

"I've started writing a little thing,but it's not over."

"Okay,I can help you with finishing it."

"Are you sure that you are talented enough to complete my master piece?"

"Shawn,you remember when at first except of being rude you couldn't speak anyhow?"

"Yeah and...?"

"Well I prefer you like that than being the cocky douchebag you are right now."I said smiling as sweetly as possible.

He then just laugh,not a cocky or annoying one,just a sweet and genuine one.He 's pretty cute like that,I must say and by that time I laughed too.

"Have you got a guitar?"

"Yeah"I replied and gave it to him.

He settled himself on the floor,adjusting his beanie-in which he looked absolutely gorgeous...what?Stop thinking that Mia-and started playing with the strings and humming.I guess that's his song.I knelt down next to him and listened.

"I thought that I've been hurt before"

"But no ones' s ever left me quite this sore"

"Your words cut deeper than a knife"

"Now I need someone to breathe back to life."

"That's just the intro and I've got a couple of ideas for the next part,but I still gotta have to work on it."

"It's perfect Shawn,it's really beautiful."

"So are you in love with the grumpy cat now?"

"You have this irritating ability to ruin every moment I find bearable to be with you."

"Well,I have to take my precautions so that you won't fall in love with me."

"Hahaha,really funny Shawn.You're not that awesome,okay?"

"No,I'm not that awesome,I'm more than that awesome."

"Oh dear lord,please add to this poor kid's vocabulary the word modesty,please I beg you,please."I folded my hands together and looked dramatically upwards.

Again he just laughed.

No smirk.

Just a contagious laugh.

Just an adorable contagious laugh.

Have I started falling for him?.........HA,no chance.I've got my Nasty Baby and I'm perfectly fine with him...even if I'm not with him.

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