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I just needed to get out of that atmosphere,I felt like suffocating,so I just climb up in my room and went in Cam's room through the window.Yeah it does help having your best friend's room right besides yours.No one was home,at least here I could be at peace.Even though he broke my heart I didn't want to ruin the party by crying in front of them,and I didn't want anyone thinking that I was a fragile little girl or something.Here I finally let myself be and I cry my whole heart out.

"Mia,is that you?" I look around and see no one,what the hell?Why I am hearing Shawn's voice?

"Einstein,over here,look through the window."The voice-well Shawn called again.

"Shawn,what are you doing in my room?"I asked,whipping my tears away before he sees them and went on the balcony at Cam's window and Grumpy was standing at mine.

"Have you been crying?"

"What are you talking about?No,of course not and I ask you a question by the way,better not lie,Grumpy."

"I like it too when people don't lie when I'm asking something."

"What are you talking about?"

"Your eyes are puffy and red and you look like a complete mess.Anyone could tell that you were crying."

"I'm just tired Shawn,I've been working all day and I came here to relax and now that the pressure is coming down,my tears are falling too.It's nothing,just return to the party."

"Nuh-uh,no way"he replied climbing onto a branch of the tree"What are you doing Shawn?""Coming to you.""Why?""The party is boring as fuck,so why not come here and annoy the shit out of you till,I get bored of you too and go home.""Or you can go home already.""Nop"He said popping the "p" and landed on Cameron's balcony.

When he landed,he was really close to me,like really close,so close that I could here his heartbeats,and there was no space for air between us."Are you going to tell why you were really crying now?"He said still on the position.I remained silent,this closeness was awkward but I couldn't move,I felt numb."Don't tell me that you are in your thoughts once again?You don't want to tell me?Fine,let me make suggestions and when I get the right answer,I'm sure you are going to move out of your dreamland."He said,moving in a chair,still on the balcony.

"Nash didn't like your gift?"He started,even his name,made me feel bad,but I remained silent,I couldn't share my feelings with Shawn Mendes.He kept on giving suggestions:the music is not at my taste,the cake is not what I ordered,some guests threw up in my bathroom and kept on talking bullshit till he got to the root of the problem.

"Alexia Shepherd!"He asked,well more stated and this time I flinch,I couldn't do anything,my body moved by itself and the tears started streaming down just as the flashes of the event came through my mind,the truth,the kiss.My eyes kept pouring salt water out of my eyes.I couldn't stop it and I didn't dare to move towards Shawn.So he came once again in front of me.

"How did you know?"I asked.

"Anyone with eyes could tell how much you like him Mia,the way you smile when he's here,the blush that instantly appear when you hear his name or see him,the glitter in your eyes when you talk to him or about him.It's crystal clear that you were hurt when you saw that girl with him,but he was too much of an asshole to tell you himself before his little girlfriend tell everything to everyone."Shawn said whipping the tears of my cheek with a gentle touch.His touch again made me numb,what is that boy doing to me?

"I don't know much about you two Mia,but one thing is certain is that no matter how much you were attached to him,you shouldn't cry for losing him,instead he should cry for losing you.So stop crying and forget about that asshole."He talked again.

"You're sweet Shawn but stop doing that."

"Stop doing what?"He asked confused.

"Stop talking to me so politely and move your hands away from my cheek.I don't need your pity okay?I can handle myself,so please,just leave."

He turn around to go but stopped and looked at me and said,"Sometimes asking for help or having someone near whom you can cry is not being fragile but it instead shows how much strong you are to ask for help.Don't shut yourself down onto others.You might not know who's really here to help and miss out a chance of having the best support you can ever get."And then he went away,leaving me feeling guilty and hurt at the same time.

Well,what a crappy party!

STUCK IN LOVE (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now