I found you

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( hi  guys I am back lol so if you havent read my first book read it so you can understand whats going on. I hope you all enjoy so sit back and enjoy the first chapter of I found you)

Dereks P.O.V

We rushed straghit to the hospitle after Scott saying Alice was geting colder. The doctors took her we keep saying her heart beat was slowing. Scott was so a mess he could not stop paceing around. This was after the doctors took her and we got Scott from trying to kill them. He even threaten us that is she died he would kill everyone in this room. It was kinda scary seeing he had his claws ready to go.

As time pased Scott got more scared he thought she was dead. So did I after 2 more hours passed she did take a nasty blow I didnt know what it was until I asked Luke he told us she got 1 billion volts and contains between 10,000 to 200,000 amperes of current.. He explained that his brother got this gift where he can chanel thunder and lighting into someone with just his hand.

"Hello are you the people who brought in Alice?" Scott stand up in maybe less than a second he was so nervious.

"Yes we are." Scott said you could tell the fear in his voice.

"Well good to hear Alice is ok now we did a surgary on her so she is a little fragle you maybe go see her now she is in room 405."And with that Scott was gone he was so happy he could see Alice now  I envey Scott he has his mate. He can be happy with someone while I cant. My Stiles is dead and I cant even let him go fully.

"Derek its ok we will find them and I never told you something."


"Alice can bring people back to life but it will take a small about of her life spand. So we could bring Stiles back" Should I do that to Scott and what if Stiles is happy he is with his family now.

"I dont know''

"Derek he needs to come back or we are all domed."

"Alright." After that we stayed silent the whole time walking to see Alice. Once we walked into the room we both saw Scott siting next to her holding her hand.

"why Alice why did you do that for me."

"Cause I love you and you are my mate. I already told you this Scott you need to listen more." It was hard to see them so happy. They had eacother forever you could tell there love was pure just looking at them. I dont think I can ask her.

"Derek if you wan to ask me a question all you have to do is ask"

"How do you know what I was thinking?"

"Remember I can read your minds." Oh crap forgot about that.

"So ask me what you want to know."

"Well I wanted to know if you could bring Stiles back to life."

"Wait Alice you can do that."

"Yes Scott and I can Derek but remember I will lose alittle of my life spand."

"Wait what Alice no I dont want you to lose any of your life." I knew he would say that he is in love with her its not to hard to see that. I can understand how he fell if this happened with Stiles I would never let him do it. Not even for me even if it was me I would hate that or even the thought of it.

"Scott I have to for Derek he need Stiles just ask you need me. OK Derek I will bring him back."

Alice closed her eyes for awhile. It was strange she keept sqwizzing her eyes like she was trying to find something or frustrated. I turned to look at Luke he just shruged his sholders Scott was giving me a death glare cause I am stealing his mate life sorta. This lasted for a min or 2 till she opened her eyes fully. She looked confusied like something is wrong.

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