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Stiles P.O.V

Here we  are driving back to beacon hills at 6:00 in the morning. Me Isaac and Loki in the back with Scott and Derek in the front. No one talked it was complete silent the only thing you could hear  was the  wind hitting the car. There was no traffic yet so that was good thing about going early just the silence is killing me. Its just weird mostly how Derek keeps looking in the mirror looking at me and Loki, my mate and my boyfriend try having that. You would not like that at all I can promise you that.

I was looking out side the window of the car I was missing the mountains the snow and all the villagers. I even miss my animals. Doc not there he is right behind us in his own car following he wanted to come for some reason. He is lucky he doesn't have to put up with this he can listen and do whatever he wants right now. I just stared at the clouds trying to see if I could make out images of anything. That's when I felt someone grab my hand. I look down and I already know who it is, Loki was holding my hand trying to confute me.

"Its going to be all right." He whispered to me. He was right everything was going to be alright even with the war and him and Derek Alice being in a coma. Alright what am I saying those months in the mountains where the only alright park this year.

"I hope so I just miss being in the mountains and look at how we are dressed. These clothing are for the cold not beacon hills." I said in a annoyed voice like seriously you would think we are coming from a medieval festival. People are going to get curious and everything ugh why is my life so messed up why cant I be a normal kid.

"Its going to be ok I promise you. Also these are the only clothing we got so deal with it, and if you think your nervous trying being dead and not been in a real town or near any civilization for almost a year now."  Loki told me in a scared voice he was right though. Loki hasn't been near any type of civilization for almost a year now. All he remembers is life in the mountains he doesn't remember much about outside of it. He tells me the only thing he remember is the side walk. To him its all a blur he tries to remember but he cant. I fell so bad for him I wouldn't want to walk into a new world either for the first time in a year.

"Alright promise me something though." I told him in a sad but sweet voice. Staring into his green eyes trying to make myself calm as possible.

"Anything just ask it." He told me in a curious voice. I know he wouldn't like this but I just need him to promise me this. Its selfish you could say but it has to be done.

''If anything happens after this whole war, I need you to promise me to let go of me and take care of everyone." I told him I was scared if I die I don't want Loki to hold onto me. I want him to be happy with someone else.

"Stiles if you do die I will try to let go of you. Except I wont be able to fully you will always be inside my heart. I will take care of everyone but I wont stay there with them." He told me what did he mean he couldn't stay there.

"What do you mean you cant stay there." I asked him a curious voice. Why could he not stay doesn't he want to stay with his sister.  Make a new life in Beacon Hill.

"Cause I don't belong there, I am meant to be in the mountains not here. I don't belong with the civilization I belong in the villages.  In the snow where no one can find me that was the only place I could have a life without feared by people." He told me in a depressed voice like he was even more scared about the fact living with people from town and city's. This is going to be really hard for him to adjust to the new surroundings.

Time passed me and Loki still held one another hand we were just living in the moment. Not having a care in the world. That's when we arrived into Beacon Hills it looked the same just like I left it. The houses were the same the people everything. Loki started to squeeze me hand I turned to look at him. He was shaking like a dog he looked like he was going to jump right out of the car and run back to the mountains.  

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