Oldish Art...

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A cover foar a book I'm planning to make.

I know I've told Zah about this book.... I think
\( ̄▽ ̄;)/
-let's rephrase that-

I think I've told Zah about this book

Mm... Yeah.... Wanna know what I did today?

I had a really weird conversation with my cousins and friends about the sportiest kid at school.

Then that moved to butter chicken then potatoes and molasses (over the garden wall ╯﹏╰ )

Then we started playing cheat.

Then we gave up since no one knew who was it.

Then we started talking about how they move the playground equipment around then we randomly started talking about 5 things we'd take of there were a Zombie Apocalypse (food and water will be provided)

((if you didn't know I started the whole Zombie talk))

Then we literally got down to business and started discussing where we'd go, what we'd take, and what we'd do.

I love having a normal conversation about preparing for a Zombie Apocalypse!

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