Chapter 6

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"You knew?" Severus asked surprised. "I guess I made it quite obvious" he said. He ran his hand through his greasy black hair and chuckled. Of course he still loves Lily but she didn't have to know that at the moment.

"Yes that and you told me once" lily said with a bright smile that made her green eyes twinkle. Severus smiled at her beauty.

"Hmm I don't remember that" Severus lied.

"Of course you do"

A fifteen year old Severus runs down the hall with a worried and regretful look on his face. He can't believe what he had just said to the girl that he loved. He had just called her a mud blood in front of the whole school. He was ashamed that he'd done that. Severus continued running down the hall until he heard crying in the girls toilets. He ran in without a thought.

"Lily!" Severus shouted out as he ran in.

"You shouldn't be in here" snarled morning myrtle. Severus rolled his eyes and walked towards the sound of crying.

"Go away Severus!" Lily yelled an angry yell. It was like Severus was being stabbed in the heart by those venom words that were yelled at him. He didn't want to go away, he wanted to apologise and tell her that he didn't mean what he said. He wanted to tell her all the things that he was afraid of saying before. If saying them now would make her forgive him then that is what he would do. He walked to the stall lily was in, it was open and she sat on the floor crying. "Go away" lily said sadly.

"No I won't, not until you listen to me" Severus said softly. Lily didn't say anything. Severus sat next to her. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, he went to wipe a tear away but she moved her head away fast. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry Lily" Severus said moving a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Sorry doesn't cut it Severus" lily said. Severus hated when she used his name, she usually called him Sev but right now she was acting like a stranger.

"I know and that is why I'm going to tell you something." Severus said as he stared at her. She looked up at him and waited for him to continue. "I don't agree with what i said to you at all, I don't believe it for one second."

"Why'd you say it then?" Lily snarled. Severus sighed. She had never spoken in that tone to him before.

"Because I'm a jerk and a major ass. Lil my pride got in the way, I know that. I was to proud to accept your help. My father beat me, you know that... No I'm not trying to pity talk you. All I'm saying is all my life I've had my mother helping me against my dad and for once I wanted to stand up for myself and right then I snapped and I'm sorry that it had to be you but it was and I can't change that" Severus said softly. This was a glimmer of forgiveness in Lily's eyes but it went away.

"You still said it so in some way you think that I really am just a dirty mud blood" lily said coldly. Severus shook his head.

"No no, I defiantly don't think that. Listen what I'm about to tell you will come as I surprise but I'll say it anyway because I want you and need you to forgive me. When I first saw you, you were doing magic in the park. I found you interesting and i defiantly knew that you were beautiful. I knew that you were muggle born but I didn't care because you interested me. You asked me things about the wizarding world and I answered you. I was so happy to have someone to talk non stop about it. That's what made things different, my mother talked about muggle born wizards as filth but I didn't agree because you were a witch just without all the knowledge. Lily I loved you from the first day I met you and I know that sounds strange but I did and I love you know. I never wanted to hurt you" Severus said with tears running down his cheeks.
*end of flashback*

"You poured your heart out to me that day and I still didn't forgive you" lily said sadly. Severus shrugged.

"I guess I didn't deserve forgiving" Severus muttered sadly.

"I should have forgiven you, I wanted to forgive you that day but I was so upset that you betrayed me"

"I didn't mean to"

"I know"

"Dinner is ready" Sirius says poking his head in. He winks a Severus and moves into the kitchen. Lily gives Severus a small smile and they walk into the kitchen together.

"Okay I'm here!" Remus says walking in. He hangs his coat up and sits at the table. "What's for dinner?"

"Pork roast with roasted vegetables" Sirius says happily. Hunter runs towards Remus. Hunter lets out a small bark that sounds like a Yelp.

"Who's this?" Remus asks as he picks up the puppy.

"Hunta!" Harry yells as he picks up a potato of his plate and brings it to his mouth.

"Eat with your fork darling" lily says. Harry throws down his potato.

"No!" Harry says crossing his arms over his chest and pouting. Lily picks up Harry's fork and puts some potato on it. "Pwane!" Harry shouts. Lily wakes the fork zoom like a plane towards Harry's mouth and he it's it without complaint. Sirius smiles at lily and Harry.

"I'll miss you two, make sure you come back for dinner atleast once a month" Sirius says.

"It's a deal" lily says smiling. They all sit down and eat there food and hunter drinks a bowl of puppy milk.

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