The Total Disaster

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The crazy idiotic girl had changed, her voice- it was low pitched and did not sound like a girl at all! It sounded like ... I don't know... maybe an evil monster or something but something which so definite, that word is "PURE EVILNESS!".

"Mwuhahaha! This world is mine, no-one will take over it because I have the only power and strength to do this. Mwuhahaha!" (Girl)
"Oh No, what have I even done to this poor young lady, I was trying to turn her into my servant not a mons-aarrRGGGHHH!!!!"(Witch)
"Oh Dear me, you are such a cute tiny person, should I pick you up and do something."
"Nononononooooo! Where's my wand. STUPIFY!!!!"

The battle is happening, who do you think would win?

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