The Strange School

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There was a really strange school. It looked quite futuristic and old, that gave me a thought of witchcraft and wizardry, maybe this is it!

As the witch lead the way out of the spooky - looking forest with cursed creatures, I followed her into this really wierd thing! It looked so much like a portal
"Woawh",I thought,"This place is so awesome!"
When we travelled into the portal, the place inside was actually what I have expected, things which are flying around and magical people and animals.
"This is HOGWARTS!"
Every single person in this place was staring at me as in they do not understand what I'm saying.
"Emmmm... Excuse me this is no type of Hogwarts but this school is called Bloggorts, sounds similar right!, said a wizard , "What on earth are they talking about!"

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