Massage Therapy-Pt 3

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"Welcome to Mcdonalds. May I take your order."
"Umm yes can I get a 59 cent cheeseburger and a value fry." I rummaged through my purse trying to scrape up the nickels and pennies I had at the bottom

"Sorry ma'am today's not Wednesday the cheeseburgers are regular priced."

Well shit. "Okay how much are they regular priced" I asked her.

"A dollar." I looked at the two dollars in change in my hand. I reached in my back pocket and pulled out a quarter.

"Okay umm. scratch the fries. Lemme get a iced tea and a cheeseburger."

"Yes ma'am that'll be $2.14. please drive up to the first window." I followed her directions and handed her the money when she opened the window. She looked at me crazy as if you to say, "you don't have two dollars in cash"

I know what your thinking. How can a massage therapist be broke. to be honest I'm really not. I have a nice house and a decent car. My bills are always payed on time I ain't never got to worry about getting kicked out or getting repossessed. The problem is Ja'Niya's school.

I'm 19 years old with a six year old daughter. No I'm not a hoe. no her father is not in her life but its not his fault. He waned to be in it. he was so happy that we were Gonna have a child. but time and unforeseen occurrence stopped him from being the amazing father I knew he could have been.

"Um ma'am. Your food." I was pulled out of my thoughts by a sweet lighthearted voice.

"I'm so sorry. I was lost in my own thoughts."

"Its okay."

"Thanks again sorry for holding up the line." I smiled at her before pulling off.

I knew the way almost subconsciously now which was ironic considering he first time I had gone there it took me an hour to find. I stopped at red light while sipping my iced tea.

I pulled off when the light turned green and made a right. The directions started ticking in my head.

Three blocks then a right.

Four lights then a left.

Another left on 13th Ave.

Straight down the road for fifteen minutes and I have arrived at my destination.

Stars University. Your probably like what is a six year old doing at a university. Well she was bright. ever since she was born she was brighter than most kids. She was crawling at 4 months, walking at 16 months and taking at 2. Thats not normal if u didnt already know. i put her in kindergarden at age 4 and that didnt work out because she made fun of the other kids. she was 4 and she could recite her time time tables from 1-6 already.  So we put her in second grade and there she stayed. but she was bullied. i  mean she was a four  year old in second grade. so i put her in a private school. a private school made for advanced children just like her. and she loved it. She was six year old in the 4th grade  and it didnt even matter.

Now my wallet. my wallet did not love it as much as she did. it was always reconting the weekly cost . 1200 dollar starting fee for each new school year. 30 dollarss weekly pay for schools expenses and 90 a month for lunch.  

I guess she saw my my car pull up because she was in the backseat talking before i even realized she was approaching the school. 

" how was school Jay'

"It was good mommy. we have to a project on our favorite celebrity for our class."

Oh thats good. So whos your favorite."

"Jaden Smith. He is so Cute. Me and Him gon Be married and have babies.

"umm. what you know about havin babies."

we learned about in science class today. thats my vocabulary homework too. the words are fetus, ovary, penis, vagina, umbilical cord, sperm semen and fertilization."

"when did they start teaching this stuff to third graders."

"i dont know."

jesus help me with this child.........


"Dawg. i dont like kids. they irritate me."

"diggy i only for a coule hours"






"Dawg cut me some slack. my little cousin ciming over here but i got a date with a lil baddie. i just need you to hold her for 3 hours."

"how old is she"




"whos ha momma"

"ITs obviously my cousin. look ha momma gon drop ha off in fifteen minutes ill bring her round ther at about five. then ill just arrange for her to come get her from there. come o dig. you my last hope"

"fine nigga but you owe me . and you betta hope ha momma cute.


lalalalalalala sing a happy song.....alalalalalalalalala dick allday long..............................any way yall spread the  word and shit..............................tell people to read 

 ~Smile Your Beautiful

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