Walk Along

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You see that kid? Yeah over there. He's gay you say? So what? Walk along leave him alone. He isn't some show for you. He isn't a circus. He's human. Now walk along.

You see that girl over there? Yeah that's her. You say she has a dick? That vagina doesn't look like a dick to me. Walk along. She's got places to go and people to see. She's not some alien. She's human. Leave her alone.

Him right there, he's next to you. See him?  You say he's confused? I don't. What is he confused about? It's really not confusing he likes boys and girls. Walk along. He doesn't need your help. He's not confused he's human. Leave him alone.

Look in the mirror what do you see? A lesbian? A trans? A gay? A queer? How about a pans? Poly? Gender-fluid? A het? A ally? A homophobe? Do you see what it's like to be bombard by questions and accusations? Are you done yet? No? Okay. Look in the mirror, this time don't look at you look at me. I can tell you what you see. A bisexual (I'm not confused) girl. Who in your eyes could be fairly good looking. Now it's my turn to look in the mirror. What do I see? You ask. Well I'll tell ya, I see a worthless insecure broken doll who's painted smile is thick and her wrists are scratched and her thighs and stomach are to big. Why? You may ask. Because of you bombarding me with questions and false accusations. Walk along I'm only human. I'll only say it once. Walk along.

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