
13 1 0

I hide,

But I'm not alone,
I look around me,
They're everywhere,
I look outside this glass home,
They're out there too,

I want to be out there,

But I'm scared,

What if they hate me?

(Then their missing out)

What if they ignore me?

(Then talk louder)

What if they don't see me?

(Then stand up)

What if they reject me?

(Then find someone who'll love you)

That's it!

I'm going. To do it!

I'm going out there,

You're crazy! They said,

I don't care, yes I'm quite a scare,

But I'll see you out there!

I'll walk out there and conqueer the world!

I'll make sure to smile wide, and strut with pride!

They smiled and waved!

Wow this place is great!

I appreciate,

The welcoming atmosphere,

The attire, my peers,

Hello my fellow Queers!

I made it!

Sorry I'm late!

Lost track of the date!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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