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So hi, long time no see eh? So today me and my cousin were going out to eat....and i was getting dressed. So she asked why i didn't get a dress so i was like "I dont like girlish, things." She was like. "Why? You know your mom doesnt like when you do that." "I know. But i still dont like stuff like that." "So you wanna be like a boy when you grow up?"at that point i heard a record stop in my head. "What do you mean?" I had asked a bit mad. "I mean you want to be....b-bisexual, or whatever you call it." She rolled her eyes. I felt my blood boil. "Whats wrong with being bisexual? Is it that we just being our selfs?" She looked at me with disgust in her eyes. "Um well theres
1. Going to hell.
2. Being unaccepted in our family-" i stopped right there. "Hold on, not being accepted in my family?!" I was shocked, sad, and angry. "Um duh, Grandma wants all of us going to heaven with her. I really miss her alot dont-" "Dont try to change the subject!
Whats wrong isnt this already hell?!" "Well erm...no?" She was unsure. "Yes it is! Think about, we suffer here, we live here, and we die here. This is hell!" I yelled really pissed. "Why are you even defensing those....fagets?! Its not like your one of them!" She yelled right back. My eyes were watering. "What if i am?! I'm a faget?! I'm an abomination?! I'm the monster?!" I yelled tears spilling she was quiet before speaking. "Jasmine, I-I didnt know I'm-" i slapped her. "Keep my name out of your godamn mouth." I ran in the bathroom and you can only imagine what happened. All i can say is it was painful inside and out. And it involved bandaids, and bandages.

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