? idk what to call this.

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Do you ever want to be like one of the popular girls, when like you have tons of friends, and everyone loves you, but know that no matter how hard you try, you'll never be like one of them? I won't lie i really do want to be the exact opposite of me, a social butterfly, pretty, cool, having alot of friends, funny, and a good drawer. But you just know that you cant. Sorry I just needed to get that off my chest.

Also, you know how I have TONS of books? I was thinking of starting a new one! But a challenge book, not like an ask and dare, but like people challenging me to like draw the craziest things and I do the best I can to draw them? I mean I'm debating whether to do it or not but I really do! God its to hard!(thats what she said XD) what do I do?!

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