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"HAILS!" My mom yelled pushing me.

I fell onto my back, and grunted, hearing a loud scream.

I quickly recovered from my fall and looked up to see a truck stopped, and my mom no where to be seen.

"MOMMY?" I screamed running back onto the road and looking around frantically.

I saw a man quickly grab his phone and start panicking.

"A woman just got hit by a truck on Martin Road, she looks to be unconscious but her pulse is still strong." I heard him say quickly leaning down.

I looked to see what he was leaning over, and there I saw my own mother, unconscious on the ground surrounded by a pool of her own blood.

I started to cry and ran over to her, as I heard a few ambulance trucks arrive.

A few paramedics ran over to her and checked her pulse, while the other ones questioned the truck driver.

I stared at my mother as they carried her away on a stretcher, and a young man walked up to me.

He grabbed my small fragile hand and kneeled down in front of me.

"What's your name?" He asked with an irish accent as I watched the ambulance drive away with my mother in the back of it.

"Where are they taking my mom? Is she okay?" I asked crying and running into the strangers arms.

"She will be okay. They are taking her to clean her up, and take care of her for a bit. What's your name sweetheart?" He asked hugging me tightly and pulling away.

"Haley." I replied wiping my tear stained cheeks.

He smiled and patted my head lightly.

"Where is your dad?"

"He's at work." I said looking up at the tall man.

"What's his name?" He asked grasping my tiny hand in his large one.

"Bruce Thompson." I said smiling up at him.

The man brought me to the hospital, and somehow got into contact with my father.

I saw my dad rush into the room, and as soon as he saw me, he hugged me.

"Dad is mommy going to be okay?" I asked hugging my father ever so tightly.

"She'll be fine." He said with no confidence in his voice.

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