Chapter 23

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Cat's honey-golden-brown eyes are questioning, so Kara answers the unasked question.

"I'm good. It's no big." Kara smiles, dragging her underwear down her legs underneath the sheets and tossing them to the side. Cat blushes harder than she knew that she still could after mentally replaying recent events. Kara was practically glowing again, her tan skin seemed golden in the light of the setting sun.

"That's unfair. I should get to worship you in the same that you did me. You took your torturous time, you teased me, and now I'm going to do the same to you." Cat says, her eyes glittering as well, pulling the sheets from Kara's body.

Kara's breaths came in hard short pants and Cat could see a flush rising up her neck. She hadn't even touched the girl, yet. Gently, adding more pressure as she went, Cat dragged a fingernail down Kara's sternum, between her breasts, down her abdomen to her panty line. It left a red line down her body by the time she got past the bone, a welt when she passed the diaphragm. If Kara had been anyone else, she would have bled. She let out an unseemly whine when Cat stopped.

"Which one is me?" Cat asked as she rose up to straddle Kara's waist. She settled in a way that allowed their centers to meet, just barely. It was just enough pressure to know that she was there, but not enough to garner any relief. Cat's finger began to trace over the green letters.

She was unsurprised to see that Kara's new ink covered more skin than anyone else's. The twisting, turning names curled into spirals in a way that only made sense to Kara. They ran from the top of her breast to the line of her hipbone.

"Right here." Kara took Cat's hand and laid it overtop her name. Beneath it, Cat could feel Kara's steady heartbeat. "My heart is yours...always."

Cat resolved to ask Alex for more information on Kara's culture, or maybe to get ahold of Clark Kent.

"You are so incredibly beautiful...and mine." She sinks her teeth into Kara's shoulder a bit harder than she ever would have with a human partner. Cat revels in the knowledge that there would never be anyone else for her.

She had never been with anyone whose entire body was so incredibly responsive before. Cat knew what Supergirl was capable of, had seen her perform amazing fear, but now... Cat was making her squirm, teasing her with dexterous fingers. Still, every time that Kara touched her, it was gentle barely a brush of skin against skin. It was loving and kind and wonderful. Cat tugged at Kara's hair once, and immediately the younger woman moved to give her what she wanted.

Her legs fell apart liked the Red Sea parting for Moses. Kara was aching and wanting already, but determined not to give in. Now, this was when she was going to prove just how much Supergirl could take, how much Kara Danvers could take, how much Kara Zor-El, whoever she really was could handle before begging to be finished off. Cat smiled before pressing down on a hardened nub while tweaking teasingly as Kara's nipples, taking pleasure in the short gasps and whines that she received in reply. SHe had never expected Kara to be vocal, but what Cat heard never formed into even a single word.

She increased the pressure and started for slow circles, taking it all in as Kara gritted her teeth and her thigh muscles clenched. Cat could hear the bed creak as Kara's heels pressed into the mattress. Experimentally, Cat pushed her tongue barely into the entrance of Kara and got to arch her back. Her breathing stuttered and Cat added just a bit more pressure to Kara's nipple and quicked the pace of the circles., using two fingers as opposed to one. THat earned her a keening groan that was probably picked up by the ISS.

"Would you like to come now, Kara?" Cat asks, amping up the pace again and pressing just a little bit harder. "Can you hold out just a little but longer? Can you be my good girl and hang on?"

"I can do whatever you ask me to do." Kara breathes out, before swearing in what Cat assumed to be Kryptonian, loudly and at length for her when she slid her tongue into the warm wetness of her slit.

"Now, don't do it until I tell you to, okay? You can't let go until I give you permission to." Cat says into her skin, sliding her tongue out and replacing it with her fingers. Kara caught them hard and for once Cat was was glad to have small hands that let her drag forcefully with her fingertips against the walls.

Kara cursed in Kryptonian, English and two or three other languages that Cat could decipher. Cat made a mental note of the skill that kara had never told her about. She repeated the action a few times more before deciding that any more teasing would result in broken furniture and possible holes in the ceiling. She bent back down and whispered.

"You can come now." in her gentlest tone.

With the slight of grazes of her teeth against sensitive flesh, Cat sucked Kara's clit into her mouth, hard.

Kara's voice was a strangled sob and half of her face lit up with red light, eyes clenched tightly shut.

"Holy Rao." she sighed as Cat eased her down gently." You don't hold back, do you?"

Kara smiled proudly as Cat flopped down against her, head tucked under Kara's chin.

"Exactly how much does it take to exhaust you?" Cat asked, amazed that while Kara was flushed, other than that she didn't seem at all worn out.

"That...times probably twenty." Kara chuckles. "I'm sorry, /my strength/."

The strange language drew Cat's attention again. Her eyes jerked to Kara's.

"What's you just say? I don't recognize it." Cat asked, her eyes ever inquisitive even when warm and sleepy like this.

"I called you my strength. It's an old Kryptonian custom, not one that has to survive the fall if you don't want it to." Kara says, suddenly embarrassed.

"No, you can call me what you want as long as I can call you mine. Keep as many of your customs alive as you possibly can." Cat says. "I'd like to learn as much of it as I can, so I can understand you better. Tell me about Krypton."

Kara spoke in low and reverent tones of her old home until long into the night. Cat listened attentively for as long as she could stay awake and refused to go on to sleep until she had a promise that they would continue the next night. Cat had found a rare treasure in Kara Zor-El, whether she was dressed in sundresses and cardigans, a cape and tights, or sweatpants and t-shirt. To herself, she blessed Rao above for giving her this girl to be her soulmate and swore never to take her for granted.

SuperCat Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now