Conflict Chapter 2

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Yes, I am Katelyn hi Embry and you can call me Katie. "Ok, hi Katie your cousin Sam sent me to come and get you because he had to run some errands."

It's alright he already told me and do you know anyonenamed Emma and Claire?

"Yea, that's Emily's sister and neice."

Yea, i met them on the plane here from New York. they are really cool people, i hope they come and visit it will be cool to hang out with them again.

"That's cool, but i told Sam that i would pick you up and drop you off. I mean take you back to his place."

Ok , but can we stop off at a candy store or any corner store i need some chocolate or sunflower seeds.

"Alright there is one down the street actually."

I went inside and got me some sunflower seeds and chocolate covered pretzel's. i'm lucky i got something becasue it was about a one hour drive to La Push. I remembered that my mom and i used to play games to make time go by faster.

Hey im going to go to sleep to make time go by faster ok?

"Yea, sure i'll wake you up when we get there."

You know your an ok dude Embry i expected you to be up tight and strict but i guess that's just my cousin.

"Yea he's very leaderish."

Ok. i giggled at the word that he made then fell asleep. I woke up to a warm hand shaking me awake. what is with everyone and shaking. Ever heard of talking to them first. i thought.

"Katie it's time to wake up we are here."

ok can you give me a piggy back ride please? I said still half asleep

"Uh ok give me a minute i'm going to drop off your bags and come back and get you."

A few minutes later he came back and carried me instead. I said a piggy back ride i wined. i opened my eyes to see someone else and not embry but a complete stranger. the dude looked at me funny.

What are you looking at?

"You'll find out soon enough."

when we reached the house he put me on the ground so i could walk, the house looked really cozy.

Sam? Where are you?

"I'm right here"  i heard a husky voice say, it sounded like it came from the living room. I walked to where i could hear the t.v. with the mysterious guy still following. I walked into the living room and saw five huge guys starring at me. They were all very muscular, handsome, and tall. I spotted Sam on the single couch with a lady sitting on his lap. I assumed that must have been Emily.She came up to me and gave me a hug.

"Hi i'm Emily Sam's fiance' it's so good to finally see you!"

It's good to finally see you too!

"Hey Katie!"

Hey Sammy! I gave hime a hug. He was extremely hot!!!Woah!! Dude why are you so hot? The rest of the guys were laughing at me. I didn't mean it like that i meant temperature wise! I was laughing now too.

So who are your friends Sammy?

Two guys got up simotaneously and screamed Katie Bear!!!!!! Only two people used to call me that when i was little.

Paul? Jared?

They nodded their heads fast and had huge grins on their faces. Paul came and picked me up in a huge bear hug. I kissed him on the cheek and hugged him back. after that i was passed on to Jared still in the air though. I kissed him and hugged him back. I went to Sam and kissed him on the cheek.

Ok then where is Quil?

"Right here Katy Waty"

Ugh i used to hate that nickname as a kid, but since i haven't seen him i don't care. I ran and jumped on him, he caught me and squeezed me in a bear hug. I kissed him on the cheek as well.

Hey where is Jakey?

"He went to pick up Bella for the legends." Sam said

I remembered i used to have a small crush on Jake when i was little but that went away.

Sammy who are these guys?

"That is Collin , Brady, and Seth the newbies."

I realized that Seth was the one that brought me inside the house. They all looked young except for Seth he looked like he could be my age 15. He was really cute and i felt drawn to him for some reason. He looked at me with love and passion. He had the cutest smile, it was very contagious. We were having a moment when i heard all of the boys wolf whistle and Emily smiling. I looked away slightly blushing. i looked from the corner of my eye and saw him still starring at me. The door just flew open and Emily and i were the only ones who jumped. This guy walked in with some girl. They both looked really familiar.OMGEEEEEE. I remember now!!! Bella? Bella Swan?

"Yes? How do you know me?"

It's me Katelyn, Katelyn Uley?

"Oh my gosh Katy Waty?

I could see some tears coming in her eyes and i could feel some in mine too. Bella and i were like sisters when we were little.

Yea, it's me!! We ran and wrapped each other in a huge hug

"Omgeee i haven't seen you in like years i'm so glad your back. Wait your back for good right?"

Yes I am back for good and I know i've missed you so much Mella Bella!! You were the only person that was a girl i could hang out with. (Ahem) Someone cleared their throat. We looked around and it was the dude Bella came in with.

Hi my name is Katie what's your name? I heard everyone snicker and this mysterious dude act shocked. I knew exactly who it was i was just trying to be funny.

" Do you not remember me at all?" Unknown said.

No i'm sorry what's your name?

" It's me Jacob, Jacob Black remember Kataroonie?"

I couldn't hold it in anymore i let it all out. I was laughing like crazy.

I know it's you Jakey I was just playing around. I said in between laughs. I ran and jumped into his arms. He caught me just like Quil and pulled me into a bear hug. I kissed him on the cheek and hugged him back.

"Hey what about us?" Collin said

Oh right sorry guys!! I got out of Jake's super strength and gave them all kisses and hugs.

For the rest of the night we all chatted and caught with each other when someone else comes in the door like a maniac!!!

OOOOOOO Who do you think it is? Comment and vote please and i will tell you!!!!!!!!!!!















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