Chapter one- Naomi

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Okay, I lost my notebook for a bit. But! I found it. :D thank god. Hehe. OK so here is chapter one. OH! Happy Halloween by the way~








As I slept, I remembered what had happened last night. I had went to my boyfriend's house for a party. I ended up getting drunk and nearly lost my virginity. Later on, when all the people went home we laid upstairs on his bed and nearly got alcohol poisoning as we talked about nonsense before a kiss happened, I don't remember who started it, and we made-out.

So here I was currently, in my boyfriend's kitchen, watching him make breakfast, or brunch, considering it was 11:07. A steaming hot cup of hot chocolate sat infront of me on the counter, two white sugar covered peeps melting in the center, turning it a lighter color. Soon enough breakfast was done and a plate of eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast sat infront of me, melting butter on top. My boyfriend, Dylan sat across me.

Outside snow covered the ground and it was barely October. "Its pretty outside." I murmured., scorching my tongue on my hot chocolate as it ran through my lips. Dylan looked up at me then outside with a nod.

"Are you sure you don't want a ride home, It's pretty cold outside. Especially with all that snow falling down on your exposed skin." He aske me worriedly. I ate my toast and eggs as I thought of a answer.

"I will be fine Dylan." I said, chewing on a peice of sausage. "I only live but a block away..." Once we finished he stood up. I watched him walk down the hallway to the coat-rack by the door. Dylan grabbed a thick scarf, mittens, a hat, and my warm black winter jacket, fur lined. He strode back in, giving me a warm smile as I stood up.

I slipped on the mittens and hat first while he helped with my scarf and jacket. He pulled my hood over my hat, giving me a kiss on the lips.

"Don't freak your mom out too much." He muttered as I walked to the door. I gave him a final glance as I opened the door. A sly grin was drawn perfectly on his tan skin where the mouth should be. I turned back awa, stepping through the door, leaving the tall, slim, short haired, hazel eyed, brunette behind.


At my home there was my black cat, Nina, sitting on my door step 'Welcome' mat. She must have snuck out late last night. I leaned over her, grabbing our hidden key as she jumped up, arching her back. 

Nina bolted insie the second I opened the door. I stepped through meeting the eyes of my mother who only gave me a stiff nod while my father bombarded me with questions of last night. I escaped him with a excuse to do my home work, I didn't want him to know I was a underage drinker.

The stairs creaked lightly underneath my weight as I walked up them slowly. Nina followed me up, only making light thuds, not loud creaks.

Seeing as it was only Saturday, I had the rest of the weekend to myself. My room was clean, and bare like always. I never had much to begin with, I didn't live in a rich family. To simplify things, I had a desk near the window with a swivle chair and a laptop, a closet next to it, two end tables, a queen sized bed, a full length mirror on the wall, a bookcase in the corner, and a couple accesories.

I strode across the wood floor after removing my shoes. After sitting down in my swivle chair I opened the curtains to look outside at the snow and I removed my winter gear. I turned on my laptop and leaned back. On the wall were pictures of my family, friends, and I. One caught my attention. 

It was a little picture of Dylan and I in a heart shapped frame. I smiled before signing into my email account and checking my mail, blocking all the spammers. Afterwards I grabbed a book from my bookshelf and sat down on my bed to read.


"Shay, wash up and come downstairs to eat." My mother said, knocking on my door before her footsteps dissapeared down the stairs once more. 

Did time really fly by that quickly?

I sighed, standing up to go was my hands in the bathroom. I was nothing special, i wasn't even avrage in the pretty department, thats what I thought at least because there are some beautiful girls out there.

My hair was short, barely touching my shoulders, blond, thick, puffy, with 'wings' on the ends. My skin was a weird pale-peach color with a light dusting of freckles on my cheeks, my mother says they are 'angel kisses', how odd huh? My eyes were mismatched, the one on my left was hazel, while the other was green with light flecks of silver. Lastly, my lips were full and pink, while my noes was a button nose and slim, my body was curvy, slim, and tall.

I exited the bathroom and walked downstairs. Sean followed me down, he was my older brother visiting from college. My parents were the religious type, so we said grace before eating out meal. Father and Sean conversed about his college while my mother brought up my grades in geometry.

"Your failing, Shay...Care to explain?" She asked of me. I sighed deeply and answered with the truth, mostly.

"He loses everything we give him." I sighed once again, poking at the food on my plate. She saw through my half-lie and called me out on it.

"That is certainly no excuse." She said sternly before she continued eating. With a frown I started to eat slowly.

I finished last, which meant washing the dishes as always. I could hear my father and brother still talking in the living room about courses over the water and clang of dishes, my mom was silent, reading most likely. We were the bookworms, my mother and I. I loved Shakespears Romeo and Juliet, my favorite book yet.

Once i finished I decided to go for a walk like I did every night, to the downtown park. I swung on the swing since seventh grade, it was the highest. I would sit and watch as the sky got darker.

I grabbed my phone and winter parka before I left the house. Outside it was a little chilly, stars already dusted the light blue sky, the moon was in sight and full. I sighed in delight.

Not many people were around. I window shopped as I passed small store with knick-knacks. Then there was one store with wedding gowns on display. I wonder if ill wear one of them one day.

The park comes into view and for a moment I'm a little upset, someone is on my swing. I sigh, can't have it all the time huh? I pull up the hood of my parka more continue walking to the swings. I don't pay any attention to the girl as I sat on a swing furthest away from her.

The other swing stopped squeeking and I heard footsteps. Looking up I was stunned.

She was pretty, far beyond it even. She was young, probably older than me. The girl had long white hair that touched her hips, her eyes were a deep satin purple, full lips painted to match them. She was extremely pale, narly blending in with her hair and the snow kissing her hair. She was prefectly sized, tiny, tall, slim, and curvy all at once.

"Hi," She said laughing, her voice sounded like tinkling bells. "I'm Naomi."

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