Wolf Story.

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Wolf Story. 

((Excuse any mistakes. I didn't take the time to really go through it!))


                Kerenuki-  A light silver young-ish female wolf

                Rainerin- Alpha wolf, huge, dark gray

                Gina-  Smallest female wolf, White

                Faren- Large black deputy male wolf

                Skawa- The oldest female wolf, black and white spotted

                Darok- Young-ish light brown male wolf

                Jakon- An annoying black and white male wolf

     I am running with the pack. The hot west wind blows my fur as our pack of 7 wolves race after the giant elk. Tonight we will dine well; my pups will starve no longer.  We are closing in on the elk now. Our Alpha, Rainerin, is snapping at its heels. The elk lets out a great wail as Rainerin sinks his teeth into the back leg of the beast. Gina, the smallest female leaps onto the elks back, and the Elk rears up. Gina falls onto the ground with a yelp, but she gets up again quickly. Faren, the large male black wolf barks twice and sinks his teeth into the elk’s side, and it tumbles over with a bellow.

     We all close in. Now is our chance! The elk is wailing and bellowing, it is lashing its sharp horns and hooves around wildly. Skawa barely dodges a hoof to the head. I duck just in time to not lose an eye to the evil horns of the elk! The wind is blowing fiercely now. It begins to rain. The elk is losing power now. With a sharp yelp, Darok is thrown down by one of the lashing hooves.

     “NO!” I howl. I can’t go now, the elk is almost finished. With a roar, Rainerin finishes off the elk with a swift bite to the neck. I run to Darok. His side is bleeding, but it isn’t severe. He will survive!

     Jakon, the annoying one of the pack, is the first one to eat. He dives in, but Rainerin smacks him aside with a huge muscled paw.

“The alpha always eats first. Everyone knows that!” Gina, the young and smallest white wolf said.

“Shut up, shrimp.” Jakon growled sharply.

    I hiss at Jakon. Sometimes I wish HE was the one hit by the hoof. Sometimes.

I tear some meat away from the elk and place it by Darok. The light brown Darok thanks me quietly and licks his injured side. I return to get some meat for my pups and me.

     We are all leaving now, the elk is licked bare. The rain has evened out into a slow drizzle. We are back at the den, and my pups are full and asleep.

     The next morning, we were out on the prowl in our territory again, and we see one of those horses with a hunter on top. These are very frightening, but an intruder is an intruder, and it must be eliminated!

The hot wind blows in our face and the grass blows around our feet as we all yap and growl toward the hunter. The horse rears and bucks at us, and its hoof clips Jakon in the cheek. Jakon hisses and yaps. The hunter immediately pulls out a death stick and shoots at us! We all scatter but return and start to surround the hunter. The hunter is shouting and shooting at us.

      Rainerin is the first to bite at the horse. You can see the rage in the air as the wolves and hunter battle. Finally, the horse falls dead. It falls onto Skawa’s paw, and she cries in pain and limps behind a nearby tree. The hunter is swarmed by wolves, and he is shooting wildly. He swings his gun and smacks Gina in the head, causing her to stumble and fall down, whimpering.

     Seeing the poor small white wolf fall to the ground lights a fire inside me. I roar in rage and leap at the hunter, biting down on his arm. He sticks the gun against my head and pulls the trigger.

     I know I am going to die.

     I hear a Bang and I fall onto the dirt. Surprisingly, I am unharmed. I look around wildly and see Darok in a snarling one on one fight with the hunter. Darok saved my life! I let out a quick light howl in thanks and continue to fight.

     Turning, my stomach drops when I see Jakon sitting nearby, grooming himself. How could he!! I will deal with him later. Faren throws himself onto the front of the hunter, knocking him down, and Faren kills him with a bite to the neck.

                Again, somehow we manage so scrape away with few injuries. Instantly I turn and pin Jakon to the ground.

“HOW COULD YOU!?” I scream in his ear. His hears turn back, and his eyes narrow into slits.

“How could I… what?” He says, grinning.

I roar and smack his cheek.

“HOW COULD YOU JUST LEAVE US THERE?! WE COULD HAVE DIE-“ I hiss, but was cut off by another crack that split the air. We all turn. There are two now. TWO hunters on horses! We are doomed. 

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