Wolf story. 2

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Wolf Story.

((In case you havent noticed, this is mostly a brain dump for myself so if it sounds ammature to you im sorry D: ))


                Kerenuki-  A light silver young-ish female wolf

                Rainerin- Alpha wolf, huge, dark gray

                Gina-  Smallest female wolf, White

                Faren- Large black deputy male wolf

                Skawa- The oldest female wolf, black and white spotted

                Darok- Young-ish light brown male wolf

                Jakon- An annoying black and white male wolf


      Faren roars and with a huge clawed paw he kills one horse with a fierce blow to the neck. I admire his skills. The Man tumbles to the ground the throws his knife. The knife snips poor Darok’s shoulder. Poor guy. He has had a tough day. Skawa screams and snaps at the first man with the  black hat. The man with the grey hat aims his gun directly at Skawa, but he never had a chance to fire because little Gina bit his foot.

     The Man shouted and kicked Gina into a tree. She yelped and fell down whimpering. Rainerin screamed and dodged two bullets from both Hunters. I heard a low, painful howl from behind, and I turned to see Gina laying down against a rock with a terribly mangled leg that was broken on the tree. I flinched.

      And where was Jakon during all of this, yep you guessed it, he was laying down a safe distance from the battle, grooming himself and quite enjoying all of this. I clenched my teeth and stopped myself from going other there and tearing him to shreds myself.

“Kerenuki!” I head Faren, The deputy, shout. “We could use some help!” he barked. I ran immediately to help him.

Darok was limping away from a hunter who had just shot his foot and was aiming for Darok’s head.

“No…” Darok said quietly, “Help…” he whispered, and in a flash of rage I bounded on top of the hunter, knocking him down again. I could feel the cold metal of the fire stick on my belly, but I ignored it and sank my teeth into this hunter’s neck. I tasted blood. Shaking, I stood and ran to Darok.

“You okay?” I said quickly.

“Yeah, yeah I’ll make it…” He said, and fell into a ball of pain and whimpered.

Two wolves down. We have Gina and Darok injured now. A quick scan of the field assured me that the other hunter had been killed already. Rainerin was limping badly, but, the fight was over.

    We all collapsed in the shade of a nearby tree. Skawa, the oldest female wolf, began tending to other’s wounds.

“Aww poor baby…” Skawa whispered and tried to soothe a whimpering Gina.

Jakon finally decided to show up. “Tough fight huh?” he said, arrogantly. “Man, what a battle.”

Rainerin growled deeply. “Who do you think you are?” he said in a deep voice.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Jakon leaps at Rainerin’s throat, snarling. Rainerin barks in surprise and tumbles backward. With a start, I realized something awful. Jakon knows Rainerin is injured, and now Jakon is trying to take over the alpha position by defeating Rainerin!

   NO! I think. And I dash forward to assist Rainerin. Faren realizes the same thing I do and roars to help. Jakon twirls around and claws at us. I feel a sharp sting in my check as a claw scratches me. Jakon is roaring and barking ferociously. Rainerin screams and throws himself on top of Jakon and pins him.

       Jakon realizes his mistake. He tries to squirm out of the furious Alpha’s grasp, but he can’t. Rainerin stares into Jakon’s eyes. In a deep growl, the Alpha says,

“If you EVER, try to do that again,  I will tear you to shreds. Do you understand?”

    Jakon nodded slowly, his eyes burning with hate. Rainerin releases Jakon, and Jakon runs away to the den, to hide. I sigh. One day that wolf will get us into trouble for sure.

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