Picture perfect round 2

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The sky darkened with thick, black clouds. It was a beautiful day a few minutes ago but now the air smelled like rain and the beautiful day was off in the distance. The light and happy day was now past me and the storm came in to ruin my life but I also ruined my life also.

At the end of the dirt road I was driving on laid a mountain that looked blue and white from where I was. The road was dry and had little vegetation.Most of the remain grass there was sparse and dying of dehydration. The road needed the storm that was onset. The dirt and dust was engulfing my car as I drove towards that mountain and I could barely see in front of me and little pieces of gravel crunched under my tires. I knew that I would have to wash my car when I got home.

I decided a few days ago to go visit my mother for the fourth of July. She lived in a town about a hunfred miles on the other side of that mountain. Every year I would visit her and watch the fireworks on her porch with her because she was lonely ever since dad died a few years ago from a heart attack. It would relieve memories from my childhood and it made her happy too.

Yesterday I had a bad feeling that I shouldn’t go see my mother but I knew that it would break her heart if I didn’t come see her and she had to watch those fireworks alone. So I packed my blue duffel bag and got in my red car to drive two thousand miles. I should have stuck with my instincts but I was too compassionate for that.

The rain started off with small drops that splattered across the wind shield of my car. It was just a light sprinkle that didn’t affect me at all but then the wind picked up and the sky got considerably darker and I had to turn on my head lights because it almost seemed like it was night time with all the gloomy clouds hanging overhead.

Big, fat rain drops started falling out of the sky and hitting my wind shield with the force of a baseball being pitched at fifty miles per hour. I thought the torrent would crack my wind shield because of how vigorous it was. My wipers were on their fastest setting and whirling across the wind shield with a mix between a whooshing sound and a squelching like someone walking through a meadow filled with mud.

My phone binged with the sound of a new text message and I looked down reading the text from my friend Patrick. I started texting back and what happened next was my own fault. I hit loose gravel and because it was wet and fresh something terrible happened to me. The car flipped and I felt like I was flying for a few seconds and I didn’t realize that something awful was taking place until I was almost at the end of it. I was in shock most of the accident and didn’t notice my injuries.

Little did I know was that I was dead by the time the accident was over. The car flipped three times and because I was an idiot that decided not to wear a seat belt I was thrown out of the shattered wind shield and crack my head on a rock.

In the middle of the dessert, one thousand nine hundred miles from home and one hundred miles from my child hood home I died. I never got to say goodbye to my mother or my son and girlfriend.

My girlfriend decided to go to her mothers and take my son with her because my mom and Angelica never got along. My mom would say that she was a selfish brat and Angelica would call her an old hag who didn’t know anything. I would never take sides in the ongoing war between my mother and my girlfriend and just figured that the battle would end when my mother died or I got sick of Angelica being the way she was.

When I was eighteen I got her pregnant and the only reason I’ve stayed with her is because of my son, Jaseon, who I love more than anything in the world. Ever since the first day he was born we were two peas in a pod. I never knew I could have so much in common with a four year old but he acts just like most of the time.

If I could go back in time and do one thing before I died I would have told Jaseon I loved him and gave him the watch my father passed down to me before he died. It was a tradition that the watch was passed down from father to son just before the father died. It went back hundreds of years.

The second before I died I saw something that reassured me it was okay for me to go. I saw Jaseon but he was older. He was wearing my watch and he was a military doctor helping people in need. I knew that he would be a good boy some day and that I could die in peace without having to worry about my son being in trouble. I don’t think I would’ve died if I saw Jaseon sitting in jail or if he was being a criminal.

The desert no longer needed that rain and I no longer needed my life.  After my death the violent storm passed and it was sunny like earlier in the day. Everyone went on with their day like normal waiting for the fireworks wile I died in the middle of the desert with no one to attempt to save me.

At six fifty two P.M I was pronounced dead when a helicopter flew over the mountain and saw my little red car crunched into a ball on the side of the road and my body sprawled out on the ground in a pool of sticky red blood that had already started to evaporate in the muggy weather left over from the storm.

On the fourth of July I was killed by a rain storm on a remote dirt road in the desert. The blue looking mountains were off in the distance. Every year I would drive on this road and I’d never had a problem before but I guess everything that happens is a long shot somehow.

All I can say is that I had a peaceful death and always be careful when driving because one mistake can ruin your whole life. I could have waited to text my friend back but I didn’t. One mistake ruined my life and it could ruin yours also.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2013 ⏰

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