Hetalia reacts to the Ring 2!

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(*At night*)

The countries were watching "The Ring 2", and here are their reactions to the horror movie~

France: This is creepy...... (*creeped out by the movie*)

America: I'm scared.........(*is afraid*)

Canada: (*screams very quietly*)

England: This is very creepy...... (*disgusted by one scene*)

Prussia: (*screams so loud*)

Austria: Gross...... (*creeped out*)

Latvia: (*feels disturbed by the movie*)

Estonia: Why would the cute little girl be so creepy?! (*cries*)

Lithuania: I'm not sure how to feel about the creepy videotape..... (*creeped out by the videotape*)

Hungary: This videotape is just disturbing..... (*disgusted with the cursed videotape scene*)

Romania: I don't like the sound of the scary part! (*frightened by one scary part*)

Switzerland: If someone wants me to watch the videotape, I'm going to hit them with my noble peace prize on the face, but only in my head, of course. (*watches the movie with a straight poker face*)

Liechtenstein: Oh dear, she looks a bit scary! (*a bit frightened by the movie*)

Ukraine: I don't like the sound of the scary parts.... (*shivers in fear*)

Belarus: I'm not going to let any scary movie scare my sister, because I will protect her from the scary parts of the movie! (*protects Ukraine from the scary scenes of the movie*)

Denmark: I'm getting creeped out by this scene..... (*is creeped out by one scene*)

Sweden: (*screams like PewDiePie*)

Finland: Oh no you don't! (*starts to z-snap at the movie*)

Norway & Iceland: (*screams in horror*)

Japan: Hory S'mores and Oreos!


{sorry if I didn't do Japan's accent right}

China: Aiyah! Why would the scary little girl do that?! (*angry with the scary little girl in the movie*)

Taiwan: (*shivers in disgust*)

Hong Kong: Well, that was very disturbing...

South Korea: Gyaaah! (*screams so loud*)

The Micronations: (*ear-splitting screams*)

The other countries: (*screams so hard*)

~AT 11 PM~

The countries and micronations: (*unable to sleep because of the horror movie*)

{Don't watch horror movies at night before bed, kids!}

(The end of the chapter!)

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