Chapter 2

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Amelia's POV: "Hey boss, looks like we got a traitor down here." Rocko said over the intercom. "Meet me in the E room. I'll grab Michael." I said. "Ugh, the new guy?! Why?!" He said. "To show him what happens when you cross me. Now get going." I said.

I got up and walked out of my office. I opened the door of Michael's room. "C'mon." I said. He got up and followed me without hesitation. Good, he listens. I walked into the E room. E room meaning execution room. The others weren't here yet. Michael looked frightened. Good reason to be, with the blood splatters on the walls. You never want to end up in this room. This is where you go if you break one of my rules.

Rocko and Nics walked in with Sunny, who clearly was ruffed up. "What happened?" I asked. "Found him talking on this earpiece." Rocko said as he gave it to me. "We think he's with the Moran gang. Someone said he's been taking the inventory to him and giving him all the info we tell him." Nics said.

I crushed the earpiece with my fingers. "Sunny, Sunny, Sunny. I trusted you buddy. But you broke my number one rule. Got anything to say for yourself?" I said.

Rocko and Nics moved him to the other side of the room. "Miss Capone, I swear I did nothing! They framed me! I've never done anything! Why would I be in a rival gang and work for you at the same time?!" Sunny said, panicked.

"Check his pockets." I said. Rocko and Nics went through all his pockets. One had a bag of cocaine, another heroin, one marajuana, LSD, and a stack of money. Large amounts of everything. I arched my eyebrow at him.

"This isn't mine! They framed me, I swear!" Sunny said. I shook my head. "Well Sunny," I said, pulling my gun out. I took aim at his head. "It was nice working with 'ya." I pulled the trigger. Within a second, there was a new blood splatter on the wall, and Sunny's body fell to the ground, his blood pooling next to his head.

I turned to look at Michael, who was clearly terrified. I walked up to him and got close to his face. "See, that's what happens when you betray me. Take a lesson from this Michael." I said.

I motioned the boys to follow me out. "Rocko, go grab Satchel for me. Meet me in my office when you find him." I said. "Sure thing." He said before walking off in search of him. I motioned Nics to go away. "Come with me." I said to Michael. He followed me into my office. I walked behind my desk and sat in the "throne" the boys made for me. I pointed to a seat by the door. Michael sat down.

"What made you get into this?" He asked. I looked up from the inventory papers. "What?" I said. He swallowed hard. "What made you get into this business?" He asked again. I looked back down at the papers. "My grandfather was Al Capone. Bootlegger, mobster, you get the gist. My dad told me not to end up like him, obviously I disobeyed. I ran off when I was 13 and got into drugs. Found these guys, the original boss died, and I worked my way up." I said. Michael just nodded.

"You wanted to see me boss?" Satchel asked as he and Rocko walked in my office. I stood up. "Yes, I want you to take Michael here and show him the ropes. Running, collecting, all that." I said. Satchel looked at him.

"Uh, boss." He said as he pulled me aside. "You realize this is a bad idea! He'll rat us out!" He whispered. "Look, I told him what happens if he disobeys. I offed Sunny in front of him earlier and I think he gets the message. Just take him out with you and have him do your work with you. Keep him close and he won't do anything bad." I said.

Satchel groaned, but agreed. He and Michael walked out...

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