Chapter 4/Aphmau's POV

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Did you guys see Aph's new video? Hue hue hue. Travis is so jealous!
As promised here is chapter four!
Chapter 4
Aphmau's POV

"Why did you tell Laurence no when he asked to walk you home?" I look up at Gene, he doesn't get it huh? "Well yesterday we hung out and..I uhm...enjoyed it. A lot actually and I wanted to hang out with you more." I notice a faint blush spread across his face. The rest of the walk is silent, as we continue walking that guy..Aaron..bumps into Gene. "Watch where you're going punk." Gene spits out, "Shut up and just keep walking with that stupid hair cut of yours." He looks over at me for a few seconds before he says "You should leave, you don't know what you're getting yourself into." I scoff "I know exactly what I'm getting into and I'll hang out with Gene if I want to!"

Aaron looks angry "Stop being a dumb potato and stay away from him! I'm trying to be nice and warn you about him!" I look at him outraged and yell at him, "Stop calling me a potato! I don't appreciate it! Just leave me alone, you're not the boss of me!" I grab Gene's hand and storm off. After we get to the park Gene just stares at me before he says "You have claws little one." I look at him perplexed, "No one has stood up to that guy besides the brave or stupid ones, and you were most definitely brave." He thinks for a moment for he says "Ahah! I'll call you kitty, my little kitty." He smiles and I can't fight the blush that spreads across my face.

"Aphmau? What are you doing here with..him?" I turn around and see Garroth behind me. "Oh hi Garroth! Gene and I were just hanging out. What are you doing here?" Garroth stares at me like I lost my mind and says "Is he forcing you? Blink once for yes and twice for yes." What? That didn't even make sense, what's going on with him? "Tsk. I'm not forcing her to hang out with me. Garroth. I would never do that to her or try to control who she wants to talk to." Garroth has a surprised look on his face then one of shock. "You were eavesdropping weren't you!" Gene smirks. "So what if I was? I heard you mentioning my name and just had to know what the two most popular guys had to say about me!" It was almost impossible not to hear the sarcasm dripping out of his voice. "Gene, Garroth, what's going on?" Garroth looks over at me and shakes his head "It's nothing Aphmau. Don't worry about it."

"Nothing you say? So you wouldn't mind if I told her what you and Laurence were talking about?" What are they not telling me! "Gene stop! She doesn't need to know okay. Just drop it." Gene seems to have ignored Garroth's outburst. "Well Aphmau, Garroth and Laurence don't want me talking to you or vice versa so they thought that if they told you to stop hanging out with me, you'd listen." I gasp. "Garroth. Is this true?"
..."Yes Aphmau it is. We just want what's best for you." I don't even know what to think anymore. "It's not your job to tell me who and who not to hang out with Garroth! I can take care of myself." And for the second time today, I walk away from my problems.

"Kitty! wait!" Gene stops running when he catches up to me, "What do you want Gene?" I ask and stare at the ground. "Hey..look at me." He lifts up my chin with his finger "I'm sorry about what happened. I hadn't meant to tell you like that. Honestly I didn't want to tell you at all because if I can prevent from seeing you hurt. You better know I will try my hardest to do so."  I sigh..."Gene. Why are you nice around me but mean to everyone else?" He opens his mouth to speak but closes it again. "You can't be good around me but bad around everyone else. It's not right and if we're- gah. Never mind." I almost told him how I feel. "No, no. If 'We're' what Kitty?
I want to know. Please." I sigh, here goes nothing. "If we're going to be anything more than friends. I like you more then a friend and..I get a feeling you like me too but if I'm wrong then I'm terribly sorry and I hope we can go back to being friends!" I say it all in one big breath while Gene stares at me before saying "I'm the one whose supposed to be telling you how much I like and adore you, Kitty. You have no idea how much you've changed me. Truthfully I would've punched Aaron in the face for saying that to you but it looked like you had it under control. Kitty, I've liked you for a while now but I've been too scared to admit it which if you think about, it's ironic. The leader of the Shadow Knights whose been in more fights then anyone at this school..afraid of a sweet, precious girl." I start to tear up, "Oh Gene..." I hug him so tight because I don't want to let this moment go. "'s okay Kitty, I'll always be here." And I believe him.
This was long and eventful but like I said. I don't want this to be long or anything. It's more like a quick write to get my fangirling out. xD Hope you enjoyed it and if you did leave a comment, vote and share! If you didn't then tell me how to make it better and give suggestions, just don't be mean about it! Hope you have a wonderful rest of the day!

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