Chapter 8

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As Gene was getting ready to throw the first punch Aphmau intervenes. "STOP! Please!" Gene looks over at Aphmau and calms down immediately. "I don't want you two fighting. Laurence..." Aphmau can't say much before Laurence looks at her with tears in his eyes and runs away.  "Laurence..." Aphmau whispers brokenly. Gene watches as Aphmau starts to tear up as well. "Kitty..." Gene walks up to her an embraces her and Aphmau looses it and starts bawling. "I-I...I don't know what to do anymore Gene." Gene strokes Aphmau's hair as she breaks down. Gene sighs and pushes Aphmau away with his hands on her shoulders. "You have to talk to Laurence okay? Maybe an explanation would do him some good, yeah?" As Aphmau's bawls turn into sniffles she nods her head and mutters "Yeah, I guess." Gene sighs "It'll be okay. Just have a little faith in yourself okay? I'm sure Laurence will understand. If not then he'll come to his senses one day, okay?" Aphmau is no longer making noises. She's just standing there in deep thoughts before she smiles "Yeah! You're right! I just don't want to loose Laurence, he's always there for me and I don't know what I'd do without him." Gene can't help the small ounce of jealously that comes across him, he quickly pushes it aside for Aphmau's sake.

Gene stands there awkwardly before saying "So do you want to go home or...?" Aphmau laughs before saying "No, let's enjoy that rest of our time together. I'd hate to let this beautiful set up go to waste!" As Gene and Aphmau continue the rest of their date, Laurence arrives back to his house.

Laurence bolts up the stairs with tears in his eyes ignoring the questions of 'what's wrong?' When he makes it to his room he flops on his bed and cries into his pillow. As he's crying, there are so many thoughts going through his head as well. Why do I care who she dates? Yeah I like her does Gene and Garroth but Gene was brave and made his move first. Laurence lets his thought consume him and he stops crying after an hour of doing so. As his sobs come to an end he slowly drifts off to a soft slumber.

Hm🤔 I honestly did mean before Friday but I wasn't expecting company to come over for five days

Sorry it's short next chapter will hopefully be pretty long ☺️

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