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She shifts at the tree line of the meadow, her paws hitting the ground with a thump. She shook out her deep chocolate brown fur before pushing her gait into a trot, weaving through the familiar trees of the forest, ears pricked for any sign of danger or the other wolves of the Quileute tribe. 

Finding none, she was able to relax some, and her walk back to the Cullen's home was peaceful and uneventful. She phased at the edge of the forest, throwing on the sweater, jeans, and sneakers she was wearing before. 

"Charlotte. Home so soon?" Alice, her adoptive mother, greets her brightly at the door. After a moment, her nose wrinkles. "You smell like wet dog. Have you been hanging out with that boy Embry again?"

"Hi, mom." Charlotte responds with a quiet sigh. "Yes, I have. Dad?" 

Within a short moment, Jasper was there beside Alice,  a warm smile on his face. "Hey, Charlie. How was the meadow?" He leans forward, with one hand fondly ruffling her hair.

"It was good. I'm going to go change so I can go hang out with Embry and the rest of the wolves for a bit." Moving past her parents she takes the steps two at a time, up the staircase and into her room. Years of living with the Cullens, she's made the place her own.

Her walls are painted a soft blue, framed photographs hanging on the wall. They range anywhere from her and Embry to her and Renesmee. 

She changes quickly from her clothes into a simple black bikini and a pair of athletic shorts, throwing her hair into a messy bun before making her way downstairs once more.

This time, nearly everyone except Emmett and Rosalie were present. Edward, with Renesmee beside him, is playing the piano, his expert fingers drifting across the keys. Bella is there, watching them fondly. Once Renesmee catches sight of her, however, the young girl's face immediately brightens.

"Charlie!" She slips gracefully off the bench to run towards her, and with her quick reflexes Charlotte is able to catch her, placing the young girl on her hip. 

"Hey, Renesmee. Your dad teaching you more about the piano?" Charlotte gives Edward and Bella a smile, and they return it, before she looks back at Renesmee, whose playing with the strands of hair that had fallen in front of Charlotte's face. 

Renesmee responds with a graceful nod. "Yes. Are you leaving?" 

"I was just about to. I'm going to run with the wolves." A smile quirks up Charlotte's lips. 

"Tell Jake I said hi? Please?"

"Of course." She sets Renesmee down, but not before pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Now, go back to your father. I want to hear what you learned when I get back."

Renesmee's smile is bright, and she darts back to sit next to Edward. Charlotte gives the two a wave before she slips out the front door and back into the sunlight.

For a moment, she debates on taking her truck down to the bonfire, but decided against it. Even if it was a little ways away to La Push, she might as well walk to give her some time to herself before she immersed herself with the rowdiness of her tribe and friends. 

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