Really? A niall one shot

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You watched as the boys left with tears streaming down your face. they had stayed with you because their bus broke down and then became attached to you but you always knew that they would have to leave eventually. you were still sad.

>five months later<

You had texted the boys a lot but none of them ever answered their phones. you being you let you fears and insincerities take over. You decided that they just pitted you when they saw how sad your life was. you log onto Facebook and twitter and delete your profiles. almost three minutes later your phone goes off. it was from Harry. you open it not sure if you like what you see. You read the text over and over three times. *rachael why did you defriend us?* after five months later any contact you get from them is asking why you defriened them! Jezz selfish much. Finally after some thinking with your best guy friend chance you get a crazy idea.

<a month later>

Niall and the Boys are all sitting in the hotel room watching movies when Harry's phone goes off. he gets up and answers it. "hello?' he asks. his eyes widen and he takes the phone away from his ear and puts it on speaker. "hi boys it's  I just wanted you to know that I'm done with your games and all your bullshit. I have tried to get in touch with you for five months and I get that you get busy but come on! five months! anyway I just wanted to let you know I'm gonna be away for a bit and if you still care then in two years meet me by the pond behind my house. When the two year time comes you will have one week to meet me before I give up and i will be out of your lives for good. I'm not expecting you to show up so if you honestly don't want to don't I dont freaking give a shit anymore. oh and by the way you can't stop me or will be able to contact me because I changed my number this is from my friends phone. I hope your happy boys. You ruined five months of my life." and with that the line goes dead and the boys have tears sliding down their cheeks. they all knew about her trying to talk to them but the had just gotten two busy to reply to her or ingnoerd it. and they kept forgetting her along the way. the boys all felt like shit knowing that they were the ones who screwed up her life. the satyed in their spot till Niall got up and ran from the room. he was the worst. he was going to ask her if she wanted to be his girlfriend but he couldn't now all because he was to busy dining nothing. and now it was two late.

<two years later>

It was the lat day they had and you were standing up to head in. in the past two years you had grown up and matured. You had really changed you liked to wear the color black more. you look at the water on the pond one more time before you turn around and freeze at the sight. Five figures were walking toward you. they get closer to you and you believe for a minute that they do care. they you remembered what they did and you get mad again. they are now close enough to see and you realize that they are crying. why are they, they hate you. the voice in the back of your mind states. harry walks up to you first and sniffles. "I'm so sorry . I just got so busy and I-" he said but you cut him off. "I don't care harry. I'm over it because I really didn't think you would want to be seen with the town freak anyway." you replied shrugging. the looked at you like you were crazy until Louis spoke up. "what do you mean town freak?" he asked slightly confused. you sighed. "i have always been different from the others in the town so nobody really wanted to been seen with me. i mean who would because different is scary." you replied. liam walked foward. "im sorry y/n but we just got so busy. i  hope you can forgive us because we feel like absoult shit for doing this to you." he told you. "i dont know if i can just yet." you replied saldly. "but that dosent mean we cant catch up." the boys smiled but you didnt return it. that little thing showded them how badly they had hurt you.


you hear the boys gasp as they followed you into the living room. the wall that were once a warm light coffe color were now painted with reds and black and navy blues in swirls and some dark green spots and the couches and chairs were now black leater. cold. just like you. as they looked around you removed the black jacket and they gasped again. you rolled your eyes. "get over it." you stated. you were wearing all black a black tee-shirt black jeans boots and a black beenie. they had tears down their faces again and you almost went over to your closet and put on your faveroite red pants striped shirt and madden girls you got with louis to cheer them up. almost. "so what have you been uo to." sniffled louis. he had been your best friend and he promised to tell you when he and harry were going to come out and harry was like an older brother adn he had promised to tell you whenthey were going to come out too but they never did and that was the end of trying to get a hold of him and harry.   "ive been good went shopping for a remodel changed my room up a bit and my parents abboned me because of it but hey what eles is new yu already know that. oh wait i forgot you ignored my calls and texts." you stated the ened in a growl. they were almost full on crying now.serves them right you thought. "can we se made to your room?" liam asks. "sure why not." you replied getting up but not before they saw the tattoo on your arm that said im a hater and im proud. "like it i love it." you told their stunned faces.  that put liam into full on sobbing because you told him you would never become a hater and he said you could call him for any problem you had if you needed someone to talk to. you called twenty eight times when your patents left you and he ignored them all. so that was the end of trying to talk to him.  so now three of them were crying and olny niall and zayn had tears streaming down their faces. you walked down the pictureless hall and into your room. when you turned on the light the boys sobbing grew louder witch ment zayn had joined them for it was his fault that your used to be light blue colorful and bright room was now empty and dark and cold "like it? it makes me feel at home." you told him. he made you promide that  you always stay colorful and express your =self through colors and never wearing black and to leave your room colorful and if you ever got upset to text or call zayn and he would tell you something tat would cheer you up. yo tried calling and texting him alot but he never anwsered. so that was the end of zayn and you. now the olny person left was niall.  you turned on your raido ad loud punk rock music came on ans you sang along. it was about hateing everyone and the world. that was the end for niall. he fell to the floor passed out and you were shocked. he used to tell you to always listen to music whne you got upset in anyway and always caried your ipod with him incase you got angry or upset. he told you to ask him if you ever needed new songs to help or if you were just missing them. you had tried to get in touch tje most with him out of of all of them. and after the hundreth time you gave up on all of them. so now here you are two years from the day you told them that they runied five months oyour life. and when niall fell to the floor that made you relize how bad they felt for that. you finally mooved form your bed and ran to him pulling him up into your arms even though he was heavier than you you did alot of working out in your spare time witch was alot. you put him on your bed and ran into the bathroom. you wet a wash cloth down and ran back into your room and put it on his forhead gently. you sat down next to him and held his hand. the other boys walked up to you with tears still streaming down their faces. "we ar so sorry rachel we had no idea what we did to you was this bad we completly changed you by ignoreing you we are so sorry i should have been their for you like i promised." liam told you. "and me" zayn said sniffling. "and i should have at least cheeked in on my little sister." harry told you softly. "and i promised you i would tell you when we are coming out but i ddint i was such a jerk im so sorry can you everr forgive me? us?' aske louis tears streaming down his face. you didnt say anyhting. you got up off the bed and walked over to your closet and shut the door. you heard the sobbing in crease. you opened the drawer you thought you would never open again and put on your red pants and striped shirt with your blue tank top and wiped awat yopu tattoo(it was sharpie) you finally grabbed your madden girls adnput them on and looed in you mirrior you looked the same as you did two years ago. you opend the closet down adn smiled for the first time in to years. a true smile. you looked at the boys who had their head in their hands. you knew how to make the look up. you sang "i got the eye of the tiger fighter dancing theoug the fire cause i am a chaimpion and your gonna hear me roar" their heads snappe dup and the gasped. louis got up and launched himself ant you and pulled him into a hug. he started sobbing on your shoulder hared then ever and then all of the boys were there hugging you and sobbing. hard. you fianally noticed that niall was awake. he looked at you " you know there was somehting i never got to ask you." he told you "what was that" you asked. "will you be my girlfriend?" he asked and you gasped. "niall.....I......yes." you said fianally. he looked at you. "really? even after i was a total dick to you?" "yes" you rrepled "and i forgive all of you. the sorrouned you onece more and agve you a big well missed group hug.

<epilogue summery>

the boys helped you redo your room and you were adopted by larry so you had two loving fathers to take care of you and they were still gonna adopt a little baby but they also wanted you in their little family. you and niall were happy together and when you had little play fights larry was their to cheer you on. the boys up held all of their promises and never broke another one. you got to go on tour wit them so they never left you alone and to be honest you have nevr been happier.


yay first one shot hope leave your feed back good or bad and sorry for any mistakes so yeah hope you all liked it i will update when ever i can!!!! love ya :)

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