( ಠ_ಠ )

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Sorry just trying out a new face
So your probably wondering about the video. Well you guys should check out I Hate Everything's channel out of YouTube first if you don't know Alex.
And he does this thing with his friends Ruben and James called JAR Media, where they talk about dumb stuff.
I highly. Recommend it to you people with dry humor, this video being only a taste of what idiotic garbage they have to offer.
So in the media is just a small project I'm working on and I'm really excited about it.
Here's the full Wip pic :

Here's the full Wip pic :

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Ok so like a couple of days ago I finished this doodle of my ringmaster bean, Esmé

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Ok so like a couple of days ago I finished this doodle of my ringmaster bean, Esmé. It's French for like beauty or something.

I also doodled my character Norah from my story Butterfly(in which I haven't updated in forever I know)And last but not least a quick no pencil doodle

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I also doodled my character Norah from my story Butterfly(in which I haven't updated in forever I know)
And last but not least a quick no pencil doodle

I also doodled my character Norah from my story Butterfly(in which I haven't updated in forever I know)And last but not least a quick no pencil doodle

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

It could be worse

My Art 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora