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Here is my contest entry for -Copy-Kitty-s contest
I'm sorry I was in a rush to finish it because you said you didn't have that many entry's and I felt bad😥
Basically I drew your OC next to a window with his head popping out

Hope you like it even though it's not good

Also made a new OC named Colette who is thirteen years old and is my steampunk baby

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

Also made a new OC named Colette who is thirteen years old and is my steampunk baby

Also made a new OC named Colette who is thirteen years old and is my steampunk baby

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.
My Art 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora