Mari and Casta p1

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  • Dedicated to anne

Crocia planet in the Fara galaxy north of dilhide. Crocia has two major continents. Religion is that the goddess of lakes, Fizbe created the earth from her bleeding heart, when her body died in childbirth (giving birth to her daughter and son, Rea and Quinn) Fizbe now watches over the world from the stars.

1.     Fennlad

Fenland has two major cities Aztuez and Trade

Are at war with Kahlan

2.     Kahlan

3 major cities 101, 102, and 103

At war with

Time of the Kin

Time of the kin is basically means when the kincads ruled

2 million years since Fizbe died.  The kincads were from the lineage of Rea and Quinn, the starters of human life on Crocia. They are at war and two lovers find each other. The crocian version of Romeo and Juliet


Casta Kincad of fennland:  is daughter of Riel and Sedna princess of fennlad. Has long blonde hair that is shoulder length with blue eyes a cutter hates Riel but loves Harper and Sedna

Riel Kincad of fennlad: king of fennlad grey hair old walks with a cane and is mean

Sedna Kincad dragon-kin of fennlad: casta’s  pet dragon. Blue scales with yellow eyes

Harper Kincad of fennlad: riel’s wife casta’s mother long grey hair with purple eyes is dying inside but nobody knows it

Rimma Kincad of Kahlan: King of Kahlan father of Mari and widowed nice but HATES the fennladers

Mer Kincad dragon- kin of Kahlan: Mari’s dragon green and black scales yellow eyes

Mari Kincad of Kahlan: black shaggy hair bright green eyes hates father but loves Mer

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