Chapter 1

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A/N: This story is for all genders. :) If you see a "he" or "she" please tell me. I will change it right away. ^~^


Oh great, where'd you get yourself now? Where ever it was, it was quite warm and cozy. "Hmm, should I get up?" you thought to yourself.

You rolled on your back and glanced at the ceiling, then you heard something and stopped. Was that breathing..? You slowly glanced over to your side and saw someone sitting on a chair. They were sleeping, which was a relief. Even so, your heartbeat grew faster. What did they want? Why did they save me? Where am I? Who is this person? "So many questions." you chuckled to yourself. The person stirred a bit, causing you to shut up. After a couple of minutes, you decided to get up and took off the covers and jacket that was wrapped on you.

Your shorts and thin strapped t-shirt was still on, but your sweater was on the floor. You blushed and would have probably looked like a tomato to any witnesses. You gathered your damp sweater and quietly rushed out of the room to find the bathroom. You hurried down a hallway, until you heard footsteps and you froze. "SANS GET UP WE'VE GOT TO GO SEE UND-" they screamed in a nasally voice. They made eye contact with you and then raced to pick you up, though gently, in awe. You could see that he was a skeleton, wearing what looked like a red, blue, and black battle suit. He also wore a red cape.

You realized you still hadn't put on your sweater and blushed once again, while this rather tall skeleton carried back into the room you were just in.


"Sans" woke up with a start and look around with white pinpricks. You could see he was a skeleton as well. He was wearing a white t-shirt, black basketball shorts, and fuzzy pink house slippers.

"oh, um, that's great pap." he said in a deep voice. Then he looked at the bed and looked at you, confused. "hey kiddo." He made direct eye contact with you, making you very uncomfortable. Noticing this, he winked at you, which added another shade of crimson to your face.

"WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH THEM SANS?" The taller skeleton was still holding you, and you really wanted to get down.
"i dunno pap. what do you want to do?"
"Well, c-can I get down first?" you said in a quiet voice.

Both of the skeletons looked at you and then the taller one finally put you down.

"HUMAN! WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO?" The taller one look down and smiled at you. "Uh, well do you know where I can get another sweater?"

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