Chapter 5

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The two of you trudged through the ankle deep snow and into a cozy looking restaurant. It was almost familiar but the sight of monsters threw you for a loop. "It sure looks like an interesting place." you whispered to Sans while nudging him. "yeah, but you'll get used to it. c'mon let's hurry up and eat." he replied with a grin. He helped you onto the bar stool and you looked around as a waiter approached Sans. You turned to face them and your eyes widened.

"Um, Sans? Isn't that guy on fire?" you pointed at him, concerned. Sans howled with laughter as you looked at him annoyed and confused. "What's so funny?" you said bitterly. He stopped laughing and looked at you. "sorry, Y/N. that's Grillby. he's the owner of this place." he replied, apologetically. "What will it be, Sans?" "I'll have-" "we'll take 2 orders of fries." he winked at you while Grillby nodded and walked into kitchen. You crossed your arms and looked away from him. "And what if I didn't want fries, hm?" "then more for me. heh." You smiled then chuckled, softly punching him in the arm. "Knock knock" You turned towards him and he started smiling.
"who's there?"
"Cows go."
"cows go who?"
"No, cows go moo."
Both of you snickered at your stupid joke. "hey you're good, kid. but you could learn a femur." You started laughing and hitting your fist on the counter while holding your stomach. Sans was grinning as Grillby placed the food in front of you two. Finally catching your breath, you took a fry and raised it to your mouth. "want some ketchup?" "No thanks." "more for me." He said with a smirk as he emptied the entire bottle, you watched in awe. "whew, im full. here, you can have my fries." He slid over his tray of fries as you stuffed your face with your own. After finishing the first tray, you played with your second tray. "uh, Grillby, can i have a bag?"

Grillby reached under the counter and handed him a brown paper bag. Sans passed you the bag and you placed the second tray of fries into it and hopped off your seat. "I'm stuffed, let's head home." Sans got down and held the door for you. You walked past while carrying your bag and waving goodbye to everyone in the restaurant, and into the snowy town. The sky was being covered by the gray, low lying clouds but some parts still made it through. You shivered in the cold wind and walked a little closer to Sans. Maybe he won't notice if you just..

"whatcha doing, kiddo?" You were so near to snuggling close to him. "Uh, I was just cold." You turned away from him, blushing. "heh, c'mere." He completely unzipped his jacket and moved you in front of him then he zipped it around you. It was warm and soft, causing you to sigh. "warm in there, kid?" "Mhm." It looked a bit awkward to everyone else as you two received puzzling looks. It really helped that you two were close to the same height. Finally you reached their home and opened the door to find Papyrus in the kitchen. He walked towards the door to greet both of you, wearing a pink apron.

"WELCOME BAC-.. ER, AM I INTERRUPTING SOMETHING?" He looked at your position and turned away awkwardly. "I'LL GIVE YOU TWO SOME TIME. JUST TELL ME WHEN YOU'RE DONE, DOING WHATEVER IT IS YOU ARE DOING." With that he walked back into the kitchen and resumed cooking, which you knew was spaghetti.

You unzipped the jacket with your cheeks burning. Sans rubbed the back of his neck while grinning. You walked into the kitchen to put your bag in the refrigerator and then poked Sans, who was now sitting on the couch. "Let's go play a video game, I'm bored." you whined. "ugh, you sure ask for a lot, kid. but who can say no to that face?" He smiled and took your hand, leading you up the stairs.

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