Chapter 12

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~Your P.O.V~

Where am I? It's so dark and cold. Where is Sans? He needs me. I have to help him. Why can't I move? I feel empty. I- I can't be dead, can I? Sans.. I'm so sorry.

~Sans P.O.V~

I held their body tightly as I shielded my eyes from the light. It suddenly dawned on me that she must have also killed Asgore in order to obtain the souls in the first place. I looked down at Y/N and a wave of depression washed over me. While Undyne was transforming into her omega form, I swiftly teleported them to Asgore's garden and gently laid them down on the flowers. With a small kiss on their forehead, I walked back into the hallway. Undyne was now at the beginning of the hall and I at the end, to prevent her from breaking the barrier. She hadn't changed much except her size and the amount of layers on her armor.

"I thought you would have been smart enough to take the kid and flee, but I suppose I overestimated your intelligence." She cooed with an echo-y voice. My eye flared with a light blue mist as I stood my ground and refrained from saying anything. "You look mad about something. Is it because I killed them? Y/N, was it? And the strength of their soul was more than I imagined, it's amazing how their tiny weak frame contrasted so greatly."

That was it. I flicked my wrist and gained control "her" soul and slammed her into the wall of the hallway. She was caught off guard, but that was essentially it. To add insult to injury, she began laughing at my attempts to shut her up. "Did you really believe your weak magic could even stand a chance against ME?" She snapped her fingers and the room became cosmic and trippy. I could see strips of binary code floating by, other timelines, and underneath my slippers was a void.

"Welcome to my very own dimension, Sans. Once I obliterate you here, you'll cease to exist in every single timeline including the current one. Even the very thought of you will diminish. You will have never existed." Sweat began to bead on my skull as she summoned an onslaught of spears towards me. I teleported out of the way and summoned an array of gaster blasters. It barely left a scratch. She attempted to slam me with her hand and scraped against my arm. With a wave of my hand, rows and rows of vertical bones grew from the "floor" underneath her. It did more damage than the previous attacks, but her strength was unbelievable.

She took a spear, increased its width, and began stabbing at me as if I were a fly. I could feel my magic wearing thin already as I summoned bone attack after bone attack to no prevail. "You look a little tired Sans. Why not give up and we can end this quicker." While she was monologuing, I examined her armor for weak spots. The armor on her fins only protected the front which was a great opportunity. I teleported directly behind her and summoned a gaster blaster at the area. "Ouch, damn it. IM GONNA KILL YOU!"

She threw off her face piece and her fit of rage was obvious on her face. it really helps that she's more brawn than brains. I chuckled to myself as another idea hit me. With the bit of magic I had, I summoned a huge ring of gaster blasters around the armor on her torso. They each blasted in unison, conducting the heat inside of the metal armor. She, unaware of it all, grabbed me with a hand and laughed. "How stupid could you be?!?! YOU AIMED AT MY ARMOR?" She threw me hard at the "floor" but I kept a steady hand, focusing all my magic on the gaster blasters.

A confused look rose in her face until she felt the heat from the blasters. She grinned insanely and began plucking them away 2 at a time, saving the last one to dramatically step on. My hand fell down and my eye stopped flaring up, my magic was drained. "Was that really all you had? Pathetic! I thought you were more of a challenge." She took a regular spear and stabbed me in my "stomach". The pain was excruciating and blood gushed out onto the metal. Again, she picked me up again and examined me. "Then again, your soul may be useful to me." She took a spear and stabbed me again. "NOT!" She laughed manically.

Suddenly there was a loud noise and a white light that flooded the dimension. "S-seems I made it in h-here just in t-time." Alphys appeared, holding the soul extractor and quickly activated it. Undyne simply dropped me and turned to face the trembling reptile. I hit the "floor" hard and groaned in pain. "alphys.. alphys, get outta here.." "N-no! E-everything is going exactly to p-plan!" Undyne grabbed Alphys and violently shook her, crushing the device. "..g-go y/n!" she barely wheezed out.

y/n? but how? and how did they get here?

They switched on the real device and successfully trapped Undyne in a sort of energy field. She dropped Alphys and I attempted to use magic to catch her. Instead, Y/N caught her and gently placed her down. "I-I'll handle it f-from here. J-just go use this on S-Sans." Y/N took a weird bottle from her before rushing over to me with tears in their eyes. "here, drink this. Please hurry Sans." I weakly took the bottle and drank the contents. It didn't taste like anything, but suddenly my magic was restored and my injuries had completely vanished. "i'm glad you're ok, kiddo. you had me dead worried for a bit." I said, trying to lighten the mood. They hugged me tightly and began sobbing into my shirt.

"heh, im fine kid. don't worry about me." "S-Sans, I thought you were gonna die.." They hugged me even tighter. "hey, i thought you died. do you even know how i felt?" I gave them a weak smile and stroked their hair. "how did you get your soul back anyways?"

"I didn't."

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