Big news, well, kind of

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 I take my glasses off and rub by forehead, the voices were all around me; shock, surprise, anger, pretty much every negative emotion you can imagine, and it was giving me a headache. The source of all that negativity? That would be the contents of the afternoon announcements. Principal Frazier's monotonous voice had just announced what the student body, well the vocal part of it anyhow, had been protesting for weeks. Our school, Merryweather, and our arch rival school,  Johnston, would be combining to become one at the start of next term, due to construction on Merryweather. This is about the equivalent to the entire world going up in flames to the majority of the kids in this school, as for me I don't really care all that much. It's not like I have any great sentimental attachment to this place, all It really has is the book club, and I'm pretty sure Johnston will have one of those as well. Jace, my best friend, will be there as well, so I'm not losing anything really.

     Jace is one of the few people I'm close with, besides my sister Izzy, he is really the only person I talk to. Sure, I talk to the other people in book club, but only about books. Jace hates talking about books, he prefers sports. Our friendship is an odd one. He is walking towards me now and let me assure you, he does not look happy. "WHY, in the name of ANY higher power, would they do this! THIS, of all things!", he says the words as if they taste vile in his mouth. "JOHNSTON, how do they expect me to be in the same VICINITY as those people and NOT punch every one of them?" "Take a breath there Hercules" I say, in as calming as a voice I can manage without laughing. That's one of the things I like about being friends with Jace, no matter how pointless and ridiculous everything else seems, he makes it a little better. "Its going to be ok, look at the bright side, they have a better soccer team than we do, and once your on it they'll be even better." The prospect of winning always seems to calm Jace down, it is to him what a cup of coffee and a good book is to me. The release bell rings, I pick up my glasses off the table and put them back on my face. "Come on" I say " Lets go to Rosco's, we can discuss this obviously detrimental situation there." Jace looks at me like food could not possibly be consumed at such a pivotal moment, but doesn't say anything out loud to disagree with going.

                                                                                    *     *    *

             "We'll have an extra large nacho supreme with extra cheese" Jace tells the waitress, for someone who was opposed to consuming anything fifteen minutes ago, he sure wasn't holding back on the order. The waitress gives us a look that quite clearly says, why in the world do two teenage boys need that many nachos, you know what I don't really care. As soon as she walks away Jace immediately starts to ramble about the current situation at hand. "I cannot believe this is actually happening" He says it like it was about as likely to happen as the earth opening up and demons pouring out. "If you think about it, there really were signs", I state. "Like what exactly professor?" Jace throws back. "Well first of all our school auditorium is falling apart, as is the gym AND cafeteria." "Bu-" Jace starts, but I keep talking, I'll never get this out if I let him interrupt. Also the principal of Johnston came over to Merryweather for a meeting the other day out of nowhere. "Fine, I guess that makes some sense, but I-" Jace gets cut off again this time but not by me, by a loud crash coming from the kitchen of Rosco's. A red-headed petite girl runs up to our table, " Hi, I'm Clary, and I am so sorry but we wont be able to get your nachos today, one of our staff just passed out in the kitchen so we are closing early today. I'd be happy to get you a coupon for free nachos for the inconvenience. I start to tell her that'd be fine, but Jace cuts Me off, -there's no need really, I hope your friend is ok, have a nice day. He gets up and hands the red-head, Clary, ten dollars and heads out of the restaurant. I follow him, "What was That, you just gave up free nachos, and ten dollars, to a stranger" I say to him astonished. "I'm sorry I don't know what came over me, she was just so.... I don't know... He looks dazed and happy, like he accomplished his life goal by giving the waitress ten dollars. OK buddy, I think its time we head home, before you get so love-struck you can't walk straight. He shoves me, "I am NOT love-struck" "Sure, then how do you explain that little stunt, I tease. Jace has had girlfriends before, unlike me who has had a total of zero, but never a serious one. He was always to unwilling to admit to having any real feelings, and it turns out girls don't particularly like that quality, even if you do have a pretty face. Jace gives me the 'Shut up or I will tell your sister that you are in love with romance novels look and I shrug. "Alright, alright whatever you say" I say. "I'm serious I don't do "Love struck" Jace mutters. "I know I know feelings aren't your thing I reply, I check my phone, I've got to go, if I'm not home before dinner mom will freak." "All right I'll see you tomorrow for our last day of sanctity", Jace says. "See ya" I reply, suppressing a grin. Was tomorrow the end of sanctity or the beginning of something new?

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