Drama Club Meet

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"OK OK people, sit down. I know we are all excited to be starting a new play but we will get precisely nowhere if we don't quiet down and CHOOSE which play that will be." I was just beginning my usual start of year speech when I saw the new boy, Alec, slip in the door quietly. He was the only new kid to show up for club from the other school, and I was pleasantly surprised. I had had my doubts that the shy boy with bright blue eyes would show. I could tell he was trying to come in without being noticed, but that simply wasn't going to happen for him today. "Alec, I'm so glad you could come, everyone this is Alec, Alec Everyone. Alec is one of our new transfers." He was blushing now, it was quite adorable in a way. He waved and sat down in one of the back rows. "Come on now pretty boy, you don't have to sit all the way back there. No matter what you may hear from the others in this school we don't bite." I throw as much sarcasm as I can into this statement. Alec seems to be blushing even harder now, that nickname might just have to stick around. He's starting to move up to were we are all at now. "Much better, now, back to this riveting discussion we were having. Alec what do you say about what show we should put on this year, no one here can seem to agree. " He shrugs and shakes his head, looks like he is not going to be much help here. Everybody is begging to talk over each other again now, I start to tell them to shut up and act civilized, but Alec speaks up for me. "OK you guys are way to excited over this, why don't you just write your own play, it seems like it'd be simpler at this point anyways, geesh." "That's... not actually a terrible idea, newbie", one of our lead actresses Caterina says with surprise. She probably can't believe someone besides her has a plan, she is one of my best friends but she can be a bit big headed at times. "I wasn't being serious, I was just trying to get you guys to stop..." Alec looks shocked and majorly freaked out as he says this, oh this is going to be great. 'It is actually a pretty interesting idea, unless anyone objects", I say from the stage. Nobody says anything so I assume they are all in agreement to try and write a play. "Alright then people, Alec you as well, we need to start having practices then, after school everyday but Friday for now OK, out with you all now, I'll see you here tomorrow". As they all walk away at my dismissal, I call out to Alec, except you newbie, if you have a minute." I wanted to take some more time to get to know this new boy with they extraordinary eyes.


I though I was going to run straight away after the meeting and never come back, this group was just to extroverted for me. That was my plan at least until Magnus asked me to stay. I guess I could just pretend I didn't hear him, but I couldn't deny the part of me that wanted to stay. I lagged behind everyone crowding out and walked up onto the stage with Magnus after they all left. The room seemed a lot less terrifying with only Magnus and I there. "Alec, so glad you could stay." The way he moved his arms as he talked was so theatrical, this place was made for him. "Of course", I had no clue what to say, " uhm.. so, what did you need to see me for?", I choked out. Now HE looked at a loss for words. After a moment he recovered with the longest sentence I ever heard though, "I just wanted to talk to you, you know, it being your first day in a new school and all, see how it was going, how it was, if you were going to be at our meetings regularly and if you needed any help and all." I just stared at him for a beat before I responded, "The day was fine, I mean your really the only new person I met besides the book club so I suppose I will be coming back for these meetings..." "That's wonderful", Magnus says smiling," I will be seeing you around then, would you like to exchange numbers for future purposes?" He caught me off guard with that one so I didn't respond immediately, and I was blushing again dammit, that was getting old. I tell Magnus sure and we give our numbers to each other. As I walk away to go find Jace I wonder if he will ever actually use my number, or if I would ever possibly be unawkward enough to use his.

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