First day

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When I get home Izzy is fighting with our parents as usual. What do you mean I can't see him anymore, what do you know about anything! I can't handle this I'm done! I hear her stomp upstairs to her room. The debate is the usual, Izzy has a boyfriend, Mom and Dad don't like him, and a battle ensues. I go into the kitchen and mumble something along the lines of "I have lots of homework", and head upstairs. I head straight for Izzy's room instead of my own. I open and close the door softly, Izzy is sitting on her bed fuming. "We both know you don't care what they say, so why do you let it get to you?" I ask her. "Just because I don't intend to obey by their ludicrous rules does not mean I cannot try and explain to them just how ludicrous they are", she replies in a matter of fact tone.  I smile at that, "And how are you handling the big news about tomorrow", I say. Changing the subject always helps her cool down.  "I honestly do not care all that much, everyone else seems to think Merryweather is something extremely special, but I just don't get it. As long as I've got you and Jace, I've got about all I need." "And that", I say to her, "Is why you are my favorite sister Isabelle." "I'm your only sister, Alec, now go to your room I've got to pick out my clothes for tomorrow. I can't have anyone from Johnston thinking they've got better style than I do." I roll my eyes and walk out the door. I don't really have homework so I figure I'll just listen to some music and read. I like to do both at the same time, even though it is a little hard to focus when one of my favorite songs comes on. I put my IPod on the new Troye Sivan album and pick up my book. I cut off my main lights and turn on the smaller ones hanging above my bed. I fall asleep listening to Troye's voice, getting lost in a story, and thinking about what tomorrow will bring.

                                                                                          *     *    *

I wake up late in the morning and power through my routine. Shower, Breakfast, and clothes. I usually don't bother with my hair, I could spend an hour on it and it would still look about the same. I run out the door and see Jace waiting in my driveway. He always drives me to school, I have a license, just not a car. Izzy used to ride with us until she found someone else to ride with. "Dude, late much, I've been sitting here for twenty minutes." "yea, yea I know, I overslept, just drive." I reply. I am not a morning person and it is way to early for this. The entire drive to school feels off. I guess it didn't really feel off until Jace made the left towards Johnston instead of the right towards Merryweather. We pull into the parking lot, which is complete chaos, and head into the school. We had to check in at the office, basically so that they could check how many of us were here. The secretary let us know that the faculty had decided to cut all classes for the day and just have a general meet and greet sort of thing. All the clubs and sports teams set up booths in the halls so that all of us students from Merryweather could go ahead and sign up for whatever we were interested in. I was listening, but only half way. This was much more terrifying than I had expected, I didn't truly miss Merryweather, I just suddenly wasn't so sure about Johnston with twice as many people. "Hey, Alec, Hey" It was Jace, "Oh yea sorry I zoned out there for a minute" "I noticed", he smirks. "Any chance that you want to come look at the sports tables with me?" I honestly don't think he knows how unappealing that sound, as much as I don't want to look for the book club alone, sports are worse. Especially with Jace. "Nah, I'll catch up with you at lunch" I tell him. He gives me a thumbs up and turns in the opposite direction. I look to my left, it looks like a lot of math and science nerds, not my thing. The corridor behind me on the other hand, seems a bit more interesting. I walk towards the booths and find at least seven different reading groups. Just to name a few- science fiction, historical novels, romance novels, and even non fiction. I sign up for the romance novels, I don't feel extremely embarrassed seeing as a guy is running the booth. I still want to join an all around book club so I ask they guy if he knows where the booth is. "All the way at the end of the hall", he replies, "take a left and its right there." I thank him and follow his directions. Once I take a left I see the booth, it has a poster for Hamlet hanging off the table. I've never really thought about a play being read in book club, but I like the concept. I walk up to the booth, but nobody behind it is paying any attention. they all have there backs towards me and seem to be having an extremely lively debate. "Excuse me", they don't here me so I say it louder. "Excuse me!" They all turn around and a guy with extremely green eyes with yellow flecks walks up to me. "Sorry we were just having a discussion as to whether Hamlet or Romeo and Juliet is the better play", he says. "You can't really choose can you?", I reply. "Ha, I like you already, that is exactly what I was trying to tell my dear friends here, my name is Magnus." "Nice to meet you", I say, "why exactly do you have such a focus on plays in a book club though?" I ask. Magnus looks confused for a moment before a look of understanding crosses his face. "You were looking for the book club weren't you, sorry but this is the drama booth, you could join while your here though if you'd like", he seems so enthusiastic about it that I hate to tell him no but I could never be up on a stage. "Sorry", I say, "I'm way to shy to be in front of everyone like that, thanks though, do you know where the book club is?" Magnus smiles, "yea pretty boy, its right behind you." I look behind me and turn back, I'm sure my face is red. If it is because I made myself look stupid or because of Magnus' compliment, I'm not sure but I'm guessing the latter. "Oh, right, thanks," I mumble. I turn to go to the other booth but Magnus calls out "Hey, even if you don't think you'd want to be on stage, you could still work with technical, why don't you come to our rehearsal after school today, auditorium, it'll be fun." I smile, choke out something along the lines of maybe, and head to the other booth before I can make even more of a fool out of myself.

                                                                           *     *    *

I meet Jace in the cafeteria after I sign up for the book club, which was a lot less of an experience than stumbling upon the drama club. I sit down next to Jace and  I can tell he has something to tell me. "What is it?" I ask. "Guess who goes to school here, Clary!" I look at him and try to think but I come up with nothing, "whose that"? "Clary, you know the red headed waitress from Rosco's, I saw her at the soccer booths, she's a star player", he says through an even wider smile. "Oh yea, the one you aren't crushing on", I tease. He shoots me a look and continues, "anyways she invited me to stay after school today and meet the coaches, can you hang until we're done?" I cant say no, he's obviously excited, "Of course, I'll find something to do" The bell rings, "awesome", Jace replies, "I've got a few more booths to look at, and I'll call you when I'm done this evening, see ya" As he walks off I know now for sure that I'll be accepting Magnus' invitation. I had already been thinking of going anyhow, now I just had another reason other than those green eyes.

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