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Rosie is typing...

-Did you like my visit?


-What? Why?

-Because it was scary?

-But we are friends!

-Ugh... I just hate you!! I will block you!

-You can't! hehe!

Annie tried to block her, but whenever she tried to do it, Rosie was unblocked automatically.

-I told you! You can't hehe :)

-I don't understand!

-You don't. Oh, by the way, get ready for my second visit.

Annie's little brother, John, was screaming while her sister got Rosie's message. When she heard John, she immediately got into his room, but it was too late. And horrible too. His legs and arms were all around the room. At that moment she got a message...on Whatsapp.

-This is not my last visit, honey.

Rosie has disconnected.

Rosie is typing...Where stories live. Discover now