good morning, princess.

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When I wake up on this Thursday morning I open my eyes but close them again right when I notice how bright the light is in my room. Even though my grey curtains are closed a few sun rays fall into my room. At first unsuccessful I try to untangle my legs from my sheets. I have no clue how I always end up like this during the night. I turn my head so I can glance over at my clock. 09:27. You know that feeling when you wake up but not fully? You want to go back to sleep but you can't? Exactly how I feel right now. However I should feel glad that I can sleep in. I graduated about a week ago. It's summer. I never have to go to school again. It's not that I totally hate school but it's kind of a relieve to know that it's over. As soon as I want to turn and force myself back to sleep I catch a glimpse of my dad standing in the door frame. With a filled breakfast tray. He doesn't do this often. "Good Morning, Princess.", Dad greets me, "I made you breakfast". I smile at him. He walks towards my bed and hands me the tray. On it are many delicious things. Croissants, butter, jam, honey, nutella, my favorite corn flakes, warm chocolate milk, orange juice, an apple and a banana. "Can I join you?", Dad asks loving. I definitely can't say no to that. "Yeah, sure.", I answer and slip a little to the side so my Dad can lean against the headboard too.

My Dad and I are really close. Especially since my Mum died. After her death Dad and I only had each other really. Of course, family members like aunt Ruth from New York or uncle James who lives in Sacramento checked on us every once in a while. However we suddenly had to organize our lives without Mum. That's why we grew even closer. But I've always been Daddy's little princess.

We start eating all the good stuff on the tray. We ask each other if we slept well and how we are. It's a beautiful daddy-daughter-moment. Then my Dads face gets serious. "Darcy, princess. I want to tell you something.", he speaks with some uncertainty in his voice. I'm a little confused and have no clue what he's about to say. I mumble an 'okay' because I still have some croissant pieces between my teeth. "Okay,", Dad starts, still a little unsure, "I think you know how it was not easy for me after your mums death. I didn't know how to deal with the fact that she was gone. And at the same time I had you. It was hard to look after a kid all alone but you also were my rock in the ocean." He slightly squeezes me with one arm around my shoulder. He sends me a smile and I smile back at him. "And I know in the past year I wasn't the best Dad sometimes. I realize that some things I've done weren't that good and that you shouldn't do certain things as a Dad. I always tried my best taking care of you and make your life as easy as possible. Especially in our situation. I did go out a lot and spent a lot of time looking for someone who could replace your mother. And for the longest time I was quiet unsuccessful. However a while back I met someone. Her name's Pattie. We had a couple of dates and after a while we knew that we wanted to try it. We've been together for almost 6 months, which does not mean she is a replacement for your mother. I'm really sorry I didn't tell you earlier but I didn't want to stress you. You know, because of your graduation and all that stuff."

I didn't even realize but throughout his little speech I stopped eating. I'm surprised but not in a bad way. I'm happy for my Dad. In the past months there were changes in his behavior that I noticed and now I know why. He seemed happier and gained back his joy for life.

"Are you okay? Did I shock you?", Dad asks me with a concerned look on his tanned face. "Just a little.", I admit to him, "But just because it's a little too early in the morning." I show my Dad a grin and giggle. I don't want him to feel bad. It only was a bit of a shock because he basically woke me up with those news.
"Oh. I see.", he says, "I just wanted to get this off of my chest. I've been waiting to tell you for so long." He grins and I chuckle. "Well, now that I told you I want you to meet her.", he blurts out, "She's amazing!" It makes me feel so much happiness for my dad to see him excited like that. "I bet.", I say as I grin at him, "When and where am I gonna meet her?" My Dads eyes glow from excitement when he says: "Well, it's quiet a special occasion so we're gonna go somewhere special. Tomorrow evening we'll have dinner together at the WP24.""Really?,", I say surprised, "I've always wanted to go there!"

The following minutes we talk about Pattie and about what I want to wear for the dinner. I tell Dad that I wanted to go shopping with my best friend, Malia, anyways. After he asked me when I'm leaving he gives me a kiss onto my hair and goes off to work. I grab my phone from my nightstand and text Malia if she wants to come shopping with me. While I wait for her response I check my Twitter and Instagram. When she texts me back we have a little conversation and decide to go shopping on the Third Street Promenade. There we first want to have lunch together. 
I roll out of bed, literally, and unfortunately hit the floor. Ouch. I get up from the floor but not before I have untangled my body from my blankets. For the second time today. From my dresser I grab some underwear and walk into my bathroom.  Bluetooth speakers are turned on and my favorite playlist is on. Perfect conditions to take a shower. I only wash my body because I just washed my hair yesterday. After only a few minutes in the shower I get out and wrap my body into a cozy terry towel. I take my dark brown hair out of the messy bun and start to brush it out. Then I dry off my damp body and put on my underwear. As I rush out of the bathroom I grab my portable speakers and  walk into my closet. Yeah, I do have a walk-in-closet. It's pretty cool. I put on a light pair of high-waisted jeans and a rose crop top. I also grab my Adidas superstars, sunglasses, a black leather baseball cap and a MK bag. I put down everything on my bed and walk over to my makeup desk. I do my everyday makeup and check my hair. It's a little wavy as always but I decide to touch it up a little. I plug in the curling iron and wait for it to heat up. When it's fully heated up I make some loose curls at the end of my hair. When I finally like how my hair and makeup looks I put away all the makeup and hair tools I used. Then I walk over to my bed and put on my shoes. I really like my outfit and just generally how I look today so I take a picture in front of my full-length mirror. I write a little tweet about how I'm going shopping with Malia and attach the picture. While I grab everything I put on my bed I upload the picture to Instagram with the caption 'twitter saw it first'. On my way out I let my dad, who is currently working in his office, know that I'm leaving. In the drive way I hop into my matte black Range Rover heading to Third Street Promenade.

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