♣Popular!Crush x Reader ♣ Popularity Doesn't Matter

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Popular!Crush  X Reader
Popularity Doesn't matter


~Y/N's POV~

Today was another normal day at school. I was walking to my locker with B/F/N . B/F/N Was talking about how C/F is so childish. "You know B/F/N you and C/F are just the same !" I said snickering, she playfully glared at me

"Hey! He's much more childish than I am!" B/F/N said

"I guess you're right." I said as we reached the lockers. B/F/N waved me bye as her locker was on the other side

"See ya later Y/N! " B/F/N said as she walked away. To the other direction

"Bye B/F/N! See you in class!" I said. When B/F/N was out of sight. I ooked back at my locker and opened it. I left my other books and notebook in my locker. while I was fixing my stuff I heard the locker next to me close, I closed my locker and glanced at the person next to me, it was none other than.......... C/N ... I felt my face heat up. So I hid my face with My H/L H/C hair

"Hey Y/N" C/N said smiling brightly, I looked at him and smiled a shy smile

"O-oh.. H-Hi C/N" I said. I felt stupid for stuttering, great I embarrassed myself infront of  him.. and to mention he was one of the most popular people at school ...

"Don't be shy Y/N! I don't bite " C/N said chuckling, I giggled at what he said.
C/N Stopped chuckling and said "Your giggle is cute.." I blushed

"T-thanks..." I said quietly. C/N stared at me and smiled a genuine smile. It made me feel funny

"You know Y/N, I rarely compliment anyone..." C/N said, I was shocked. he rarely compliments anyone? but he's so popular. I thought he compliments other girls often... but I guess I was wrong... then again I don't know much about him

"Really?" I asked. He nodded

"Yeah, you don't believe me?"

"It's  just.. that you're so popular that I thought you compliment other girls often..." I said "Especially R/N ... then again I don't know much about you.." I whispered the last part.

But little did you know that C/N heard. I noticed C/N's smile dropped a bit,
I was about to say something. But an annoying voice suddenly came and ruined the moment

"Hey C/N~!" The annoying person stood in front of us... and that annoying person was none other than my rival... R/N ... gosh! She is so annoying... She thinks She's popular and above everyone else because she hangs out with C/N. She's  the type Of Girl you want to punch n the face.

But then again ... I'm just jealous...
But I still want to punch her in the face for interrupting me and C/N

"Oh.. Hi R/N " C/N smile dropped

"C/N, What are you doing ...with her?"
R/N said rather bitterly .

"What do you mean R/N? Y/N is a Nice person .... There's  nothing wrong if I'm  With Her"  C/N said I blushed when he said 'There's  Nothing wrong if I'm with her'. It made me feel all warm inside .

"Whatever C/N, let's go!" She said and tugged on C/N's Arm. C/N sighed of annoyance. C/N smiled at me

"Sorry Y/N..! Let's talk later! " C/N said,
I just nodded

"Sure..." I said, R/N looked at me with a death glare but C/N didn't see. Because when C/N turned to her she smiled innocently and said

"Come on C/N let's go to class!" R/N Said with that annoying high pitch voice of hers

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